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Computer Science 112 Fundamentals of Programming II Implementation Strategies for Unordered Collections.

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1 Computer Science 112 Fundamentals of Programming II Implementation Strategies for Unordered Collections

2 What They Are Bag - a collection of items in no particular order Set - a collection of unique items in no particular order Dictionary - a collection of values associated with unique keys

3 Variations SortedBag - a bag that allows clients to access items in sorted order SortedSet - a set that allows clients to access items in sorted order SortedDictionary - a dictionary that allows clients to access keys in sorted order

4 Sorted Set and Dictionary Implementations Array-based, using a sorted list Linked, using a linked binary search tree Must keep the tree balanced; insertions and removals will then be logarithmic as well

5 d.isEmpty() len(d) iter(d)# Iterate through the keys str(d) key in d d.get(key, defaultValue = None) item = d[key] d[key] = item# Add or replace d.pop(key, defaultValue = None) d.entries()# A set of entries d.keys()# An iterator on the keys d.values()# An iterator on the values Dictionary Interface

6 Dictionary Implementations Array-based (like ArraySet and ArraySortedSet ) Linked structure (like LinkedSet and TreeSortedSet ) All use an Entry class to contain the key/value pair

7 Possible Organization I ArraySetLinkedSet AbstractBag AbstractCollection ArrayDictLinkedDict Is a dictionary just a type of set with some additional methods? ArrayBagLinkedBag

8 Possible Organization II ArrayBagLinkedBag AbstractBag AbstractCollection ArrayDictLinkedDict AbstractDict Which methods are implemented in AbstractDict ? ArraySetLinkedSet

9 class Entry(object): def __init__(self, key, value): self.key = key self.value = value def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False return self.key == other.key def __lt__(self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False return self.key < other.key def __le__(self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False return self.key <= other.key The Entry Class Goes in, where all dictionaries can see it

10 from abstractcollection import AbstractCollection class AbstractDict(AbstractCollection): def __init__(self): AbstractCollection.__init__(self, None) def __str__(self): return " {" + ", ".join(map(lambda entry: str(entry.key) + \ ":" + str(entry.value), self.entries())) + "}" The AbstractDict Class {2:3, 6:7}

11 Can We Do Better? If we could associate each unordered set element or each unordered dictionary key with a unique index position in an array, we could have –Constant-time search –Constant-time insertion –Constant-time removal

12 Hashing Each data element has a unique hash value, which is an integer This value can be computed in constant time by a hash function This computation can be performed on each insertion, access, and removal

13 How Are the Elements Stored? The hash value is used to locate the element’s index in an array, thus preserving constant-time access How to compute this: hashValue % capacity of array Position will be >= 0 and < capacity

14 def __contains__(self, item): index = abs(hash(item)) % len(self._array) return self._array[index] != None A Sample Access Method (Set) self._array is an array of items len(self._array) is the array ’ s current physical size hash(item) is a function that returns an item’s hash value Other access methods have a similar structure

15 A Sample Mutator Method (Set) def add(self, item): if not item in self: index = abs(hash(item)) % len(self._array) self._array[index] = item

16 Adding Items A mySet.add("A") index = 10

17 Adding Items BA mySet.add("B") index = 5

18 Adding Items CBA mySet.add("C") index = 0

19 Adding Items CBAD index = 14 mySet.add("D")

20 Adding Items CB Add 12 more items AD

21 Adding Items CEMQBNFKTWAGLYID Array is full Resize the array and rehash all elements

22 Performance O(1) lookups, insertions, removals - wow! Cost of resizing the array is amortized over many insertions and removals Works as long as hashValue % capacity is not the same for two items

23 Problem: Collisions As more elements fill the array, the likelihood that their hash values map to the same array position increases A collision then occurs: that is, items compete for the same position in the array

24 def testHash(arrayLength = 10, numberOfItems = 5): print(" Item hash code array index") for i in range(1, numberOfItems + 1): item = "Item" + str(i) code = hash(item) index = abs(code) % arrayLength print("%7s%12d%8d" % (item, code, index)) A Tester Program

25 Load Factor An array ’ s load factor expresses the ratio of the number of elements to its capacity Example: elements(10) / length(30) =.3333 Try to keep load factor low to minimize collisions Does waste some memory, though

26 Collision Processing Strategies Linear collision processing - search for the next available empty slot in the array, wrapping around if the end is reached Can lead to clustering, where several elements that have collided now occupy consecutive positions Several small clusters may coalesce into a large cluster and thus degrade performance

27 Collision Processing Strategies Rehashing - run one or more additional hash functions until a collision does not occur Works well when the load factor is small Multiple hash functions may contribute a large constant of proportionality to the running time

28 Collision Processing Strategies Quadratic collision processing - Move a considerable distance from the initial collision Does not require other rehashing functions When k is the collision position, we enter a loop that repeatedly attempts to locate an empty position k + 1 2 // The first attempt to locate a position k + 2 2 // The second attempt to locate a position k + r 2 // The rth attempt to locate a position

29 Collision Processing Strategies Chaining –Each hash value specifies an index or bucket in the array –This bucket is at the head of a linked structure or chain of items with the same hash value

30 Some Buckets and Chains D5D2 D6D4 D8 D3D1D7 0 1 2 3 4 index

31 # Instance variables for locating data self._foundEntry # Pointer to item just located # undefined if not found self._priorEntry # Pointer to item prior to one just located # undefined if not found self._index # Index of chain in which item was located # undefined if not found # Instance variables for data self._array # the array of collision lists self._size # number of items in the set HashSet Data Extra instance variables support pointer manipulations during insertions and removals

32 from node import Node from abstractset import AbstractSet from abstractcollection import AbstractCollection class HashSet(AbstractCollection, AbstractSet): DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 1000; def __init__(self, sourceCollection = None): self._array = Array(HashSet.DEFAULT_CAPACITY) self._foundEntry = self._priorEntry = None self._index = -1 AbstractCollection.__init__(self, sourceCollection) HashSet Initialization Uses singly linked nodes for the collision lists

33 def __contains__(self, item): self._index = abs(hash(item)) % len(self._array) self._priorEntry = None self._foundEntry = self._array[self._index] while self._foundEntry != None: if == item: return True else: self._priorEntry = self._foundEntry self._foundEntry = return False HashSet Searching If this method returns True, the instance variables _index, _foundEntry, and _priorEntry allow other methods to locate and manipulate an item in the array’s collision list efficiently

34 def add(self, item): if not item in self: newEntry = Node(item, self._array[self._index]) self._array[self._index] = newEntry self._size += 1 HashSet Insertion Link to head of chain

35 def remove(self, item): if not item in self: raise KeyError(str(item) + " not in set") elif self._priorEntry is None: self._array[self._index] = else: = self._size -= 1 HashSet Removal

36 Performance of Chaining If chains are evenly distributed across the array, close to O(1) If one or two chains get very long, processing tends to be linear Can use a large array but wastes memory On the average and for the most part, close to O(1)

37 For Friday Introduction to Graphs (Chapter 20)

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