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Ancillary (adj) Subordinate or supplementary **auxiliary.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancillary (adj) Subordinate or supplementary **auxiliary."— Presentation transcript:

1 ancillary (adj) Subordinate or supplementary **auxiliary

2 bowdlerize (v) To remove material considered offensive (from book, play, movie,…) **bulldoze – remove dirt/debris

3 condescend (v) To come down to or stoop to a lower level; to deal with people in a patronizing way ***descend - down

4 cozen (v) To trick; to cheat or swindle ***cozen your cousin out of the inheritance

5 enclave (n) An enclosed district, region, or area inhabited by a particular group ***a cave is an enclosed region

6 forte (n) A person’s strong point; what a person does best ***a fort is made to be strong

7 gratis (adj) free (adv) without charge ***gratuity – tip – extra money

8 icon (n) A representation or image of a sacred personage; image or picture; a symbol; object of blind devotion ***idol

9 interstice (n) A small, narrow space between things or parts of things *** inter - between

10 macrocosm (n) The universe considered as a whole; the entire complex structure of something ***macro – large cosmos – universe

11 mountebank (n) A trickster or swindler; a charlatan ***put your money in my “bank on a mountain” – sounds like scam

12 paean (n) A song of praise, joy, or triumph ***I sing a paean at the piano

13 persiflage (n) Lighthearted joking, talk, or writing ***badinage

14 plethora (n) Over fullness; superabundance; superfluity ***plenty of something

15 pragmatic (adj) Concerned with practical considerations or values; dealing with actions and results; stiff in one’s opinions *** practical

16 quizzical (adj) Puzzled; mocking; odd; equivocal ***puzzled, confused I had a quizzical look while I was taking the quiz.

17 rapacity (n) Inordinate greed; the disposition to obtain one’s desires by force, extortion, or plunder ***rape a city of its funds

18 schism (n) A formal split within a religious organization; any division or separation of a group or organization into hostile factions ***schism sounds like prism – splits light into colors ***a schism can form a chasm

19 therapeutic (adj) having the power to heal or cure; beneficial ***therapy is good for you

20 virtuoso (n) A brilliant performer; a person with masterly skill or technique (adj) Masterly or brilliant ***virtually the BEST

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