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SALES TRAINING Presented By: Bret Sullivan 206-612-0227

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Presentation on theme: "SALES TRAINING Presented By: Bret Sullivan 206-612-0227"— Presentation transcript:

1 SALES TRAINING Presented By: Bret Sullivan 206-612-0227

2 What is Screen’s Product: CANS-MCI Computer Administered Neuropsychological Screen for Mild Cognitive Impairment Components of the CANS-MCI: – Free Software installed remotely by Screen – Under the hood algorithm to score results – Screen report writers to analyze scored tests – Complete physician report provided within an hour of test delivery

3 CANS-MCI – The Test Tests three cognitive functions; memory, symbol fluency and executive functions Eight tests: – Orientation – Word/Picture Matching – Free and Guided Recognition - Immediate – Design Matching – Clock – Stroop – Naming – Free and Guided Recognition-Delayed

4 CANS-MCI – The Test Longitudinal Tracking If a patient has previously taken the CANS-MCI, the patient’s test results are plotted over time (longitudinally) so that the earliest important changes in cognitive ability are detected and the rate of change is measured in the three cognitive domains and in the level of depression.

5 CANS-MCI – The Test The test begins with progressive practice with the touch screen to establish a level of comfort and determine a relative reaction time for speed of answer assessment. Mood state is then assessed with a 10 question short form of the Geriatric Depression Scale. The questions were chosen for their pre-clinical frequency in patients developing Alzheimer’s. Evaluating and treating depression can add clarity to a person’s true mental health.

6 CANS-MCI – The Test Risk and Preventative Background Factors Length or ongoing exposure to solvents? Number of head injuries that caused unconsciousness? How educated is the patient? How much exercise do they get?

7 CANS-MCI – The Test Alcohol and Driving Questions concerning the use of alcohol and pain medications are asked in a progressive way, depending on the answers given. Recent driving history is also documented. The potential influence of all these factors is described in every Physician Report sent back to your doctor.

8 Why Should You Sell The CANS-MCI Required in a Medicare Annual Wellness Visit Value added – more consultative than selling Product that can open doors that may have been previously shut Maximize present relationships Make Money!!!

9 Advantages of the CANS-MCI Proven in clinical studies to have reproducible results similar in accuracy to a full neuropsychological workup. Do not have to pre-purchase tests. The software and technical support are no charge. Billed after use and only for tests that result in a Physician Report from Screen.

10 Advantages of the CANS-MCI No liability of self-scoring test and interpreting results from your staff. Touch screen test allows for highest degree of objectivity regardless of education. No mouse or key board use for those who are not used to a computer. No training of staff for test result interpretation.

11 Advantages of the CANS-MCI For Physicians: Accurate and consistent – Similar results to a full neuropsychological workup Time-Saving Resource-Saving (low amount of staff time) – Self-administered by patient

12 Advantages of the CANS-MCI For Physicians: Quick Turn-Around for Physician Report completed by Screen Inc. – Results back to clinic within an hour Easy to Read Reimbursable codes – 96103 & 96120 combined national average $75

13 Advantages of the CANS-MCI For Patients: Accurate – Highest degree of objectivity and reproducibility Quick Test (approx. 30 minutes) Touch Screen for Ease of Use – Objective even for the less educated or non- computer users

14 Advantages of the CANS-MCI For Patients: Peace of Mind, when identified as within a Normal Range Early Detection means being Better Prepared – Family can start planning and preparing surroundings Insurance: Far Less Costly than a Full Neuropsychological Battery – These can cost over $2,000

15 The Sales Process and Implementation Completely Set expectations: Understand minimum hardware requirements and make your customers aware at the beginning of the sales process. Sell advantages over competition Get Screen corporate involved to answer difficult questions

16 The Sales Process and Implementation Completely Set Expectations Continued: The traditional CANS-MCI is software downloaded remotely to a new test site’s computer hardware. The following are minimum hardware requirements: – Touch screen between 13” and 22” – Adequate speakers – MS 7 operating system or newer

17 The Sales Process and Implementation Completely Set Expectations Continued: As of January 1, 2015, Screen Inc. will be working towards a web portal connection from a tablet. We will continue to offer our traditional access previously noted. A tablet version will provide test sites more options and ease of access to the CANS-MCI. The tablet version will be released in Q2, 2015.

18 The Sales Process and Implementation Required Documents: Prior to installation a completed PEF (Physician Evaluation Form) must be received by Screen corporate (for sites who choose the traditional CANS-MCI). Provide each new user with the Physicians Welcome Guide Provide each new user with the Customer Checklist (for installations).

19 Medical Insurance Coding/Billing Procedure Codes (CPT) Test Codes: We only recommend billing for two codes when performing the CANS-MCI test: 96120: Neuropsychological testing (e.g. CANS-MCI), administered by a computer, with qualified health care professional interpretation and report. 96103: Psychological testing (including assessment of emotionality, personality and psychopathology), administered by a computer, with health care professional interpretation and report.

20 Targets Neurologists : Question – How do you test your patients for MCI? – MMSE or full psych are huge targets Geriatricians – They will see primarily Medicare patients General Practitioner – IM and FM, almost all have a percentage of Medicare patients Anyone doing Annual Wellness Visits

21 Thank You for Your Time And For Your Interest in Screen Inc. and the CANS-MCI

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