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U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 Comprehensive Safety Analysis (CSA) 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 Comprehensive Safety Analysis (CSA) 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 Comprehensive Safety Analysis (CSA) 2010 Listening Session How CSA 2010 Affects Motor Carriers and Drivers December 10, 2009

2 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 Welcome Over 2200 locations participating Over 400 advance comments and questions –From carriers, agencies, associations, and individuals –Covering about 20 major topics Submit more comments and questions throughout the webcast –Type them in on the lower right of your computer screen and hit “send” Technical difficulties? Call 1-866-260-4631 for live aid. 2

3 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 3 Anne Ferro, FMCSA Administrator

4 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 4 Rose A. McMurray, FMCSA Acting Deputy Administrator

5 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 Presentation Agenda What’s Changing? Supplemental Agency Efforts What Can Carriers do to Prepare? What Can Drivers do to Prepare? Responses to your comments and questions 5 Technical difficulties? Call 1-866-260-4631 for live aid

6 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 Presenters 6 Gary Woodford, Program Manager, CSA 2010 Steve Piwowarski, CSA 2010 Training Manager, National Training Center Bryan Price, Senior Transportation Specialist, FMCSA Mark Savage, Captain, Colorado State Patrol Dan Meyer, Captain, Kansas Highway Patrol

7 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 CSA 2010: What’s Changing? 7 Technical difficulties? Call 1-866-260-4631 for live aid

8 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 New Measurement System Assesses safety of carriers and drivers based on unsafe behaviors that lead to crashes –Calculates safety performance based on 7 Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs) –Weights time and severity of violations based on relation to crash risk –Uses crash records and all safety-based violations observed at roadside Measures carrier safety performance with enhanced information available to investigators relative to individual driver performance In the future, measurement scores would support future Safety Fitness Determinations (currently in rulemaking, initial rollout of CSA 2010 is not dependent on rule) 8 Technical difficulties? Call 1-866-260-4631 for live aid

9 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 New Agency Plans for Drivers The new Carrier Measurement System provides internal tools, including enhanced information on individual drivers, to investigators to more effectively and efficiently conduct carrier investigations –Tools allow for targeted sampling using enhanced driver information –Follow up on serious violations Under CSA 2010, individual drivers will not be assigned safety ratings or safety fitness determinations 9 Technical difficulties? Call 1-866-260-4631 for live aid

10 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 New Agency Plans for Drivers (cont’d) Other Agency initiatives are underway, including the Pre-employment Screening Program (PSP) –PSP was mandated by Congress and is not a part of CSA 2010 –“Driver Profiles” from FMCSA’s Driver Information Resource (DIR) will be available to carriers through PSP –Driver Profiles will only be released with driver authorization 10

11 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 New Interventions Process The New Interventions Process addresses the… WHAT Discovering violations and defining the problem WHY Identifying the cause or where the processes broke down HOW Determining how to fix it/prevent it through use of Safety Management Cycle and Safety Improvement Resources 11 Technical difficulties? Call 1-866-260-4631 for live aid

12 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 Safety Management Cycle | 12

13 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 New Intervention Toolbox New intervention tools reach more carriers and influence safety compliance earlier CSA 2010 also introduces a new tool to warn carriers ahead of time if they have a safety problem: –Warning Letters CSA 2010 introduces three investigations types: –Offsite Investigations –Onsite Investigations –Focused –Onsite Investigations –Comprehensive 13 Technical difficulties? Call 1-866-260-4631 for live aid

14 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 New Intervention Toolbox (cont’d) CSA 2010 introduces additional follow-on corrective actions to increase carrier safety compliance −Cooperative Safety Plan (CSP) −Increased use of Notice of Violation (NOV) CSA 2010 is strong on enforcement and continues to employ the use of: −Notice of Claim (NOC) −Operations Out-of-Service Order (OOS) 14 Technical difficulties? Call 1-866-260-4631 for live aid

15 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 New Information Supplied to Roadside Inspectors SMS BASICs will replace SafeStat’s Safety Evaluation Area (SEA) data sent to Roadside Inspectors –Assist in determining level of inspection –North American Standard (NAS) inspections do not change 15 Technical difficulties? Call 1-866-260-4631 for live aid

16 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 Supplementary Agency Efforts 16 Technical difficulties? Call 1-866-260-4631 for live aid

17 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 Roadside Data Uniformity Data collected at the roadside is the foundation of all data driven traffic safety initiatives CSA 2010 relies on roadside data in its SMS Methodology The CSA 2010 SFD methodology would use roadside data as a component of safety fitness determinations 17

18 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 Roadside Uniformity-Background Effort organized into four core initiatives: 1.Consistent documentation of roadside inspection and violation data 2.Standardized processes for challenging data 3.Increased awareness of high level goals of the inspection program a)Good inspections can support systematic enforcement program b)Screening vs. Inspection 4.Uniform inspection selection processes 18

19 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 FMCSA Data Quality Quality data is key to CSA 2010 Operational Model Comprehensive data quality program initiated over 5 years ago Current data is useful and meaningful; improvements can always be made DataQs Systems provides the public the opportunity to challenge the accuracy of state reported data ( 19 Technical difficulties? Call 1-866-260-4631 for live aid

20 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 FMCSA’s Comprehensive State Data Quality Program FMCSA Data Quality Improvement Program Monthly Monitoring of State Data Quality ID & Develop Data Quality Improvement Initiatives Assistance for Safety Data Improvement New Applicant Screening Census File Improvement Ongoing Evaluation of State- Reported Motor Carrier Crash and Inspection Data Training (FMCSA, State & Local Offices) DataQs UMTRI Off- site Analysis of State Crash Data Analysis and Improvement of State PARS On-Site State Assessment SaDIP Grants 20 Technical difficulties? Call 1-866-260-4631 for live aid

21 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 State Data Quality Evaluation Ongoing evaluation shows improvements in quality of state reported crash and inspection data | 21 SSDQ Implemented (March 2004) 25-month Improvement (October 2009)

22 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 Data Corrections (DataQs) 22 DataQs Data Challenges Feb 2004 – Nov 2009 ~67,000 Data challenges filed (65% resulting in data updates) ~1,700 New challenges per month ~30,000 General public/motor carrier registrations ~870 new general public/motor carrier registrations per month

23 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 CSA 2010: What Can Carriers do to Prepare? 23 Technical difficulties? Call 1-866-260-4631 for live aid

24 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 Educate Yourselves and Your Employees Understand SMS Methodology Understand the BASICs Check the website for more information and updates ( ) Raise drivers’ awareness that every inspection counts and every violation counts 24 Technical difficulties? Call 1-866-260-4631 for live aid

25 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 Review and Update Your Data Ensure Motor Carrier Census (MCS-150 Form) is up-to-date and accurate Routinely monitor and review inspection and crash data –Data currently available through FMCSA’s Portal –Agency currently exploring option to give motor carrier’s the ability to review their safety data organized by BASIC prior to SMS launch; more information will be available in early 2010 Question potentially incorrect data (DataQs) Maintain copies of inspection reports and evidence related to any observed violations 25

26 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 Examine Business Processes Compare past violations to severity weightings Know why your trucks are getting inspected Understand where problem areas may exist by identifying trends or patterns Implement policies and practices now to address problem areas 26 Technical difficulties? Call 1-866-260-4631 for live aid

27 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 CSA 2010: What Can Drivers do to Prepare? 27 Technical difficulties? Call 1-866-260-4631 for live aid

28 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 Recommended Driver Actions Understand the BASICs and new methodology Maintain copies of inspection reports Become knowledgeable about employers’ safety records by checking carrier safety information at SafeStat on line Know and follow safety rules and regulations –CMV web-based driving tips can be found at htm htm Check the CSA 2010 website for more information and updates ( ) 28 Technical difficulties? Call 1-866-260-4631 for live aid

29 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 In Summary CSA 2010 will introduce new concepts to the motor carrier industry and to drivers: –New measurement system –New intervention process –New information at roadside The Agency has additional programs on-going that will benefit this data-driven operational model: –Roadside Data Uniformity –Data Quality There are many steps that motor carriers and drivers can take today to prepare for CSA 2010 roll-out in the summer of 2010 29

30 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 What’s Next? Provide us your feedback via the poll questions to follow Visit the web site to find answers to your remaining questions –Search our frequently asked questions by key word –Review our fact sheets, brochures, briefings and the SMS methodology document –Look for a document in January that categorizes, consolidates and answers many Listening Session questions –If you still have a question, please send it to us through the feedback link on the web site! 30

31 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Listening Session #2 12/10/2009 Responses to Participants Questions and Comments 31 Steve Piwowarski, CSA 2010 Training Manager, National Training Center Bryan Price, Senior Transportation Specialist, FMCSA Mark Savage, Captain, Colorado State Patrol Chris Ryan, Facilitator Dan Meyer, Captain, Kansas Highway Patrol Technical difficulties? Call 1-866-260-4631 for live aid

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