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Jeanne Gilbert, Nadine Malcolm, Dee Reid 2012 1. Creating a Quality Te Reo Māori Programme in an English Medium School. On the waka Hukanui-

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Presentation on theme: "Jeanne Gilbert, Nadine Malcolm, Dee Reid 2012 1. Creating a Quality Te Reo Māori Programme in an English Medium School. On the waka Hukanui-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeanne Gilbert, Nadine Malcolm, Dee Reid 2012 1

2 Creating a Quality Te Reo Māori Programme in an English Medium School. On the waka together@ Hukanui- the Hukanui initiative Jeanne Gilbert, Nadine Malcolm, Dee Reid 20122

3 Expectations: How did Hukanui get started with their te reo Maori programme? What makes their programme a quality programme? What did they learn and do in 2011 including the Teaching as Inquiry project … What are they learning and doing in 2012? How do they know their students are learning? What are your own goals and next steps? Individual Burning Questions: Jeanne Gilbert, Nadine Malcolm, Dee Reid 2012 3

4 What is your vision for te ao Māori in your school? What do your documents say? What could your documents say? Draw a chart / flow diagram of the model(s) your school is currently using or would like to be using… Jeanne Gilbert, Nadine Malcolm, Dee Reid 20124

5 What is SCK? Subject Content Knowledge What is your proficiency in te reo Māori? What is PCK? Pedagogical Content Knowledge Do you know how to teach a second language, specifically te reo Māori? Jeanne Gilbert, Nadine Malcolm, Dee Reid 20125

6 The Hukanui Initiative Jeanne Gilbert, Nadine Malcolm, Dee Reid 2012 6 Why did Hukanui engage in this initiative in 2011? How did Hukanui get started in 2011? Principal / BOT / Nadine’s role as lead teacher Dee’s role as te reo Māori facilitator (SCK + PCK) Jeanne’s role as facilitator/coach (PCK)

7 PCK -Facilitator/Coach SCK – language specialist Jeanne Gilbert, Nadine Malcolm, Dee Reid 2012 7 Lead Teacher Principal and BOT Lead Team Classroom teachers students Layered PLD and relationships

8 What is Hukanui’s vision for learning te reo Māori? and additional languages? What ‘shape’ do the programmes have? Jeanne Gilbert, Nadine Malcolm, Dee Reid 20128

9 The ‘shape’ of Learning Languages @ Hukanui Jeanne Gilbert, Nadine Malcolm, Dee Reid 20129 Junior Māori Yr 1 + 2 Learn Middle Māori Yr 3 + 4 Revisit Maintain Learn Senior Māori Yr 5 + 6 Revisit Maintain Learn Expand Te reo Māori – integrated daily programme bench- marked to Te Aho Arataki Marau Additional Languages – one full day/week in 10 week elective Level 1 Levels 1 + 2

10 Is it working??? Ae We hope we are increasing the domains where Te Reo Māori is spoken Tamariki self motivated to kōrero outside of kura. MIHARO!!!! Jeanne Gilbert, Nadine Malcolm, Dee Reid 2012 10

11 Ngā hua - The fruits Tamariki conversing even when structures are a little ‘kei te he!!’ Jeanne Gilbert, Nadine Malcolm, Dee Reid 2012 11

12 SKC and PCK – what do you know / want to know? Jeanne Gilbert, Nadine Malcolm, Dee Reid 2012 12

13 Jeanne Gilbert, Nadine Malcolm, Dee Reid 2012 13 What does the professional learning, teaching, learning and assessment of Te Reo Māori look like? i.e. What do the lead teachers, classroom teachers and students do?

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