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Warmup What does the term “coming of age” mean to you? DO you believe there are certain rights and expectations that must be met in order for someone to.

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Presentation on theme: "Warmup What does the term “coming of age” mean to you? DO you believe there are certain rights and expectations that must be met in order for someone to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warmup What does the term “coming of age” mean to you? DO you believe there are certain rights and expectations that must be met in order for someone to come of age? Write: What ideas did your partner have about “coming of age” that were different form your ideas?

2 Content Language Objective Students will read, speak and write about novels related to the “Coming of Age” theme in order to select a novel for independent reading

3 Book Pass Groups of 5 Each begin with a different book Read for two minutes Fill out ranking sheet Comment on first impressions Determine if you would read or not Pass to the left. Repeat process for each novel

4 Discussion In your groups, have a 2-3 minute conversation about each book using the ranking sheet and you comments as a guide.

5 Rank Rank the novels in order of preference (If you have read one of the novels previously, please make that your last choice)

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