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The Giver Lois Lowry.

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1 The Giver Lois Lowry

2 The Giver “Jonas’s world is perfect. Everything is under control. There is no war or fear or pain. There are no choices. Every person is assigned a role in the Community. When Jonas turns twelve he is singled out to receive special training from The Giver … it is time for Jonas to receive the truth. There is no turning back.”

3 Lois Lowry Lois Lowry is an American children’s author, best known for her novels Numbering the Stars (1989) and The Giver (1993). The Giver won the 1994 Newberry Award. “For all children, to whom we entrust our future.”

4 Genre Bildungsroman – A literary genre where the Protagonist progresses from immaturity to maturity. German: “Novel of Formation” “Coming-of-Age” story. Typically, there is a conflict between the Protagonist and Society. The Protagonist moves to help others once they’ve reached maturity.

5 chapters 1-5 vocabulary 1. Rasping (adj.) 6. Nurturing (v.)
2. Palpable (adj.) 7. Enhance (v.) 3. Distraught (adj.) 8. Aptitude (n.) 9. Chastisement (n.) 4. Apprehensive (adj.) 10. Petulantly (adv.) 5. Disposition (n.)

6 Chapters 6-10 Vocabulary 1. Designated (v.) 6. Transgressions (n.)
2. Throng (n.) 7. Infringed (v.) 3. Reprieve (n.) 8. Acquisition (n.) 4. Exuberant (adj.) 9. Serene (adj.) 5. Cringed (v.) 10. Dazed (adj.)

7 Ch. 11-16 Vocabulary 1. Frigid (adj.) 6. Admonition (n.)
2. Torrent (n.) 7. Capacity (n.) 3. Tentatively (adv.) 8. Precise (adj.) 4. Obsolete (adj.) 9. Conclusion (n.) 5. Perceive (v.) 10. Chaos (n.)

8 CH. 17-23 Vocabulary 1. Permeated (v.) 7. Efficient (adj.)
2. Surged (v.) 8. Apparent (adj.) 3. Dejected (adj.) 9. Meticulously (adv.) 4. Gravely (adv.) 5. Wretched (adj.) 10. Emphatically (adv.) 6. Successor (n.)

9 Utopia Project A group project (4-6 students) done with The Giver.
** Every member of the group must contribute equally ** GOAL: What would the perfect world/community look like?

10 Founding a community Consider: The Community’s name
Size of the Community Roles and Responsibilities of the Community Members Education and Religion Government type Location and physical description Laws and punishments Delivery of goods and services

11 Present your community
Present your ‘utopia’ to the class: 1. Create an artistic representation of the Utopia. 2. Speak to the class (4-6 minutes) as if you are living members of this community, inviting them to join you.

12 Individual Projects 1. Write an alternate ending to The Giver. At least one page, complete with narrative and dialogue. 2. Create a one-page graphic novel version of a scene from The Giver. At least 4 panels with color. 3. Create a book cover for The Giver with at least two important quotes from the book. Must have color. 4. Create a collage of at least four important quotes. Include color and/or illustrations. 5. Write a “found poem” of at least 10 lines using words and phrases from The Giver that convey an important theme from the novel. Must have a title.

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