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The French and Indian War Chapter 7 Section 1. Fighting for Control of theFur trade For years Britain and France competed for the control of western lands.

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Presentation on theme: "The French and Indian War Chapter 7 Section 1. Fighting for Control of theFur trade For years Britain and France competed for the control of western lands."— Presentation transcript:

1 The French and Indian War Chapter 7 Section 1

2 Fighting for Control of theFur trade For years Britain and France competed for the control of western lands and the fur trade. Since the 1600’s, French fur trappers and their Indian allies clashed with English settlers. Allies: helpers in times of trouble.

3 French and Indian War 1754: The War between France and Britain enters North America. The War was over the western lands and control of fur trade. Known in the colonies as The French and Indian War. In Europe it was known as the Seven Years War.(1754-1763)

4 French and Indian War Britain received some help from the colonists. Only colonists who claimed western land were eager to fight the French. Colonists competed with one another to try to settle the backcountry and expand the fur trade.

5 French and Indian War


7 Indian Tribes Had a better relationship with the French because the French wanted to trade and not take their land. Not all were allies with the French. Looked at their own needs before they decided to side with the French or British. Both the French and British constantly competed for their loyalty.

8 The Albany Plan Proposed by Ben Franklin. He hoped the colonies would unite to defend themselves. A council of representatives from each colony. The council would act for the colonies in making Indian treaties, raise an army, build forts, and collect taxes to pay for it’s expenses. Rejected by all the colonies. They were not ready to work together.

9 British in the French and Indian War British: Sent General Braddock- to drive out the French from the Ohio Valley. Were not prepared for the hit and run warfare in the backcountry. Were badly defeated at Fort Duquesne. New British Prime Minister, William Pitt, proposed to win North America by sending more troops and ordering a blockade. (shutting off a place with ships or troops to prevent supplies from reaching them.)

10 French and Indian Map

11 Treaty of Paris Finally Britain triumphed. In the Treaty of Paris, France agreed to cede in Canada and leave North America. Cede- to give up

12 Land Ceded to Britain

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