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The Hudson Bay Lowlands By Priya Vegetation Hudson Bay and James Bay has long marshes Reed, grasses various kind grow there Northern part of region most.

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2 The Hudson Bay Lowlands By Priya

3 Vegetation Hudson Bay and James Bay has long marshes Reed, grasses various kind grow there Northern part of region most like tundra South of tree line, are scattered coniferous trees, some types of deciduous trees Black spruce, tamarack grow in muskeg Up to 85 percent of reign muskeg or peat-farming wetlands Peat is deep layer of decaying plant life formed in wet conditions It’s isn’t soil it contains little sand or other minerals

4 Physical Features Large plain with long coastline One of the flattest parts of Canada Once part of Hudson Bay When Ice age glaciers retreated, the level of the land rose Flat land exposed and began to dry Near sea level so it is marshy; does not drain water Rivers flow through the low lands to Hudson Bay, James Bay Snow melting on Canadian Shield interior plains, flooded most of time Large plain with long coastline One of the flattest parts of Canada Once part of Hudson Bay When Ice age glaciers retreated, the level of the land rose Flat land exposed and began to dry Near sea level so it is marshy; does not drain water Rivers flow through the low lands to Hudson Bay, James Bay Snow melting on Canadian Shield interior plains, flooded most of time

5 Natural Resources Hudson Bay Lowlands have no developed minerals reserves oil, gas wells Underneath Hudson Bay are layers of rock are after associated oil, gas field Several hydrometric dams on rivers flowing into Hudson Bay & James Bay Soils not suitable for farming Lots of wildlife for hunting, fishing, trapping Eco-tourists come to see animals Bird life, natural vegetation landforms Hudson Bay Lowlands have no developed minerals reserves oil, gas wells Underneath Hudson Bay are layers of rock are after associated oil, gas field Several hydrometric dams on rivers flowing into Hudson Bay & James Bay Soils not suitable for farming Lots of wildlife for hunting, fishing, trapping Eco-tourists come to see animals Bird life, natural vegetation landforms

6 Animal Life Polar bears spend most winter on sea Winter they make snow dens for new cubs Global warming is dangerous situation for bears Mainly eat seals They come to shore in spring, dig dens to stay cool in summer Polar bears go without eating 4 -7 months on shore If sea ice doesn’t form close to shore, bears may be trapped on land, far from food Bears may starve if the winter is warm Snow geese and Canada geese live near the coast Different birds also nest in lowlands Birds lay and hatch eggs Caribou are found near coast in summer, in forest in winter Arctic fox has heavy white coat in winter, grey in summer Moose, beaver, grouse, partridge, and foxes also found in the area Polar bears spend most winter on sea Winter they make snow dens for new cubs Global warming is dangerous situation for bears Mainly eat seals They come to shore in spring, dig dens to stay cool in summer Polar bears go without eating 4 -7 months on shore If sea ice doesn’t form close to shore, bears may be trapped on land, far from food Bears may starve if the winter is warm Snow geese and Canada geese live near the coast Different birds also nest in lowlands Birds lay and hatch eggs Caribou are found near coast in summer, in forest in winter Arctic fox has heavy white coat in winter, grey in summer Moose, beaver, grouse, partridge, and foxes also found in the area

7 Climate Region has long could winters, short,warm summers Moderate percipition Climate very simler to the Canadian Sheald Reagon has long, cold winters Tundra vegetation blooms brightly short summer Vegetation south western part of reagon is more like Canadian Sheald, with coniferous trees and muskeg Region has long could winters, short,warm summers Moderate percipition Climate very simler to the Canadian Sheald Reagon has long, cold winters Tundra vegetation blooms brightly short summer Vegetation south western part of reagon is more like Canadian Sheald, with coniferous trees and muskeg

8 Important Issues The people who live and visit Hudson Bay lowlands should treat the land and its resources properly Both animals and humans live here together Hydroelectric developments can cause environmental changes Construction of dams disturb the environment When vegetation is emoted, mud washes into the river and changes the habits of fish, birds, animals Many water birds breed and nesting wet land at the region If habitat changes number of birds will decline Hydroelectric dams must be carefully planned because of their effects on the environment The people who live and visit Hudson Bay lowlands should treat the land and its resources properly Both animals and humans live here together Hydroelectric developments can cause environmental changes Construction of dams disturb the environment When vegetation is emoted, mud washes into the river and changes the habits of fish, birds, animals Many water birds breed and nesting wet land at the region If habitat changes number of birds will decline Hydroelectric dams must be carefully planned because of their effects on the environment

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