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Southeast Michigan Council of Governments. Michigan Suburbs Alliance August 2, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Southeast Michigan Council of Governments. Michigan Suburbs Alliance August 2, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southeast Michigan Council of Governments

2 Michigan Suburbs Alliance August 2, 2013

3 2040 Regional Transportation Plan

4 Six goals shape policy 1.Access to jobs, markets, services and amenities 2.Reliable quality infrastructure 3.Attractive environmental assets

5 Goals continued 4.Economic prosperity 5.Desirable communities 6.Fiscally sustainable public services

6 Projects range “from A to Z” TransitTransit OperationsOperations Pavement/bridge maintenancePavement/bridge maintenance Bike/pedestrian projectsBike/pedestrian projects SafetySafety CapacityCapacity

7 Employment and Population Similar to 2000 Levels Southeast Michigan, 1990-2040 Source: SEMCOG 2040 Regional Development Forecast

8 How We are Investing Between 2014-2017

9 How We are Investing Through 2040

10 Motor Fuels Tax Receipts

11 $204 million per year Infrastructure Funding Formulas are Increasingly Obsolete Impact of Federal Fuel Economy Standards

12 We're Under-Investing… Changing pavement condition Percent Lane Miles 2004 2012 Costs have more than doubled

13 …and it is escalating costs to taxpayers (in millions)

14 More funding is needed to ensure infrastructure is properly maintained. 70% Say More Funding is Needed to Care for What We Have

15 The Paradox: 73% also say the problem is inefficiency in spending, not the amount of $ we have It’s not the amount we spend, it’s how efficiently we spend it.

16 Good News: Significant Majority Are Willing to Act

17 State Equalized Value (SEV) and Taxable Value of Property

18 Advocacy Thoughts Case for roads and transit Case for roads and transit We have a job to do in this climate We have a job to do in this climate Residents and legislature Residents and legislature Transit separate Transit separate Short- and long-term strategy Short- and long-term strategy

19 Annual Revenue Generated in Southeast Michigan Different Funding Mechanisms

20 Southeast Michigan Council of Governments

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