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The Assyrian Empire, 911-612 B.C.E.. Beginnings Neo-Assyrian Empire- most powerful and successful empire to emerge after 100 B.C.E. in Western Asia and.

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Presentation on theme: "The Assyrian Empire, 911-612 B.C.E.. Beginnings Neo-Assyrian Empire- most powerful and successful empire to emerge after 100 B.C.E. in Western Asia and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Assyrian Empire, 911-612 B.C.E.

2 Beginnings Neo-Assyrian Empire- most powerful and successful empire to emerge after 100 B.C.E. in Western Asia and Eastern Mediterranean Defeated all the great empires of the day Largest empire of their time – Stretched from Anatolia, Syria-Palestine, and Egypt in the west across Armenia and Mesopotamia, and as far as western Iran

3 God and King King= center of the universe Land, people and high ranking officials are servants to king Believed gods chose king to be earthly representative King selected one son to succeed him Messengers and spies brought information to the king King was military leader with no question

4 God and King Propaganda – Meant to support military campaigns that benefitted the king Sculptures of large king over: – Battles – Hunts – Sieges – Executions – Deportations

5 Conquest and Control Military consisted of: – Men who served in return for land grants – Peasants and slaves “contributed” by land owners King Tiglathpileser – Organized professional army Stone projectiles Armored spearmen Cavalry Dug tunnels Built towers Battering rams

6 Assyrian Terror Used terror to discourage resistance – Threw civilians in fire – Skinned prisoners alive – Severed heads of defeated rulers and hung them on city walls Mass deportation- forced uprooting of entire communities – Broke spirit of rebellions – Moved up to 4 million people


8 Assyrian Control Never governed vast land areas effectively – Control was good in the center and minimal elsewhere – Kings waged wars to reinstate control  minimally effective – Provincial officials collected taxes, enforced laws, raised troops, established public works Often spied on by royal overseeres Built huge royal cities “Fortress of Sargon”- completed in ten years” – Built by prisoners of war and Assyrians who owed service

9 Assyrian Society and Culture Elite bound to monarchs via oath of obedience – Always feared punishment – Expected rewards Skilled professionals were similarly bound Sources provide information on kinds and elites only – All others were groups as “human beings” – Little is known about the majority of Assyrians Most subjects worked on the land Agricultural products allowed for large populations Surplus of food= time for activities – Government – Religion – Sales – Art Substantial long distance trade – Silver used for exchange Weighed for each transaction (before invention of coins) Palace of Ashurbanipal – Excavation revealed 25,000 tablets – Library of Ashurbanipal Official documents Literary texts Scientific texts Texts about the House of Knowledge  academy

10 Reading Questions P.72—What is the name of the Assyrian MAIN god? What was the relationship between the Assyrians and their Gods? What are some Examples of Assyrian Propaganda? – What purpose did it serve? What was the relationship between the Assyrian central capital and the outlining areas of the Empire? Describe the Social Classes of the Assyrian Empire.

11 Reading Assignment How did the ruling styles of the Assyrians impact the development of the Israelites? Compare the Religious structures between the Israelites and the Assyrians. – Think about the roles religion played in their societies.

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