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University of Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli Best Practices “employing disabled people in call center sector”

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Presentation on theme: "University of Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli Best Practices “employing disabled people in call center sector”"— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli Best Practices “employing disabled people in call center sector”

2 “Training Programmes for Call Centers”

3 Distance Education “Call Center Services”


5 Courses Given * Call Centers Menagement *Personal Relations in Call Centers *Effective Sales Menagement *Business Menagement *English, Maths, History, Literature

6 EU Funded Projects Call Center Services Education for Disabled people f

7 Researchs Motivation, Working times, Diction, Computer qualification

8 Regional Development Agencies Projects for Disabled People

9 Call Center Training Programmes for Disabled People Duration: 544 Hours Subjects: Communication by phone, communication duration and types, body language, internet, customer requests, group communication, research techniques, computer use, effective writing, word, filing, working plan, problem solution, comunication by computer, publicity services Employment Public relations, customer services, publicity agencies, call centers, organization, fair and tourism sectors

10 Regional Development Agencies Projects for Disabled People

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