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8 th Grade Do Now Sit in any seat until given assigned seats. (please do not touch computers)

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Presentation on theme: "8 th Grade Do Now Sit in any seat until given assigned seats. (please do not touch computers)"— Presentation transcript:

1 8 th Grade Do Now Sit in any seat until given assigned seats. (please do not touch computers)

2 Computer Applications 8th Grade Mrs. Hix

3 What will you learn? How to format Microsoft Word Documents  Newsletters  Letters  Lists  Outlines  Flyers  Tables  Reports (MLA)  Proofreading Marks Numeric Keypad & Keyboarding Review

4 How Will you be Graded? Class Work  Keyboarding Connections  Office files Electronic Journals/Discussions Non-Profit Organization Projects Projects Application Quizzes Class Participation

5 Student Expectations Do Now—Enter room quietly and begin Do Now activity Raise Hand Rams Rules

6 Computer Lab Rules No Food, Drink, or GUM Books under chairs No programs without permission Do not touch computer once you are logged off! Do NOT touch another students computer. Workstations organized Teacher dismisses class

7 Steps for Not Following Rules or Expectations Warning Card Seat Change/teacher student conference Lunch Detention or Call home After School Detention

8 Restroom Procedures Sign out Take Green pass

9 DO NOW: 8 th Grade Sit in your assigned seats Wait for instructions Please do not touch the computers

10 Logon Procedures Username:  YYLLLLLFM YY – Represents 2 digit graduating year LLLLL – First 5 characters of the students last name F – Initial of the first name M – Initial of the middle name Example: Mary Beth Hutchinson – 2012 would have username:  12hutchmb Password: Student1  Password conditions: No names Must be school appropriate At least 8 characters  Capitalized word followed by a number:  Example: Computer23  Football54  Baseball12

11 DO NOW: 8 th Grade Log on Open Microsoft Word Wait for instructions

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