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The best writing results from extensive revision, much as good performances in music,theater, or dance result from extensive practice and rehearsal In.

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2 The best writing results from extensive revision, much as good performances in music,theater, or dance result from extensive practice and rehearsal In writing, as in other kinds of production, the processes directly affects the quality of the product. Students tend to use computers as composing and editing machines, not revising machines. Movement through the writing process is always somewhat “loopy” or recursive… Writing is not a single activity buy many A first draft confronts you with the nature of your own confusion on the subject.

3  Respond to one of the statements just given  What is the most important thing to know about today’s reading/topic?  What was most surprising to you in the reading?  What was most confusing to you in the reading?

4  If it makes you nervous…

5  Linear Model of Writing—aims at efficiency Figure out what to say Write the paper start to finish “Fix” any errors Turn it in

6  Unclear arguments  Confusing organization  Under-development of ideas  Careless proofreading  Author focused, not audience focused

7 …[T]he best writing most effectively conceals the history of its production….Because you have no way of knowing how it was actually written, the linear flow and natural pace of the writing will invite you to imagine that it was written in the way it reads: that the author knew before she started exactly what she wanted to say, began to write with the first word you see, and continued writing to the last word on the page.

8 You might imagine that really good writers, like good speakers, can do this gracefully and effortlessly, with no need to pause or revise….But more often than not, the best writing results from extensive revision, much as good performances in music, theater, or dance result from extensive practice and rehearsal. Like other performing arts, writing gives the opportunity to compose, rehearse, and revise before the real performance—the moment when the audience actually reads what we have written. --Keith Hjortshoj

9 Prewriting Composing Revising Editing Release

10  Gathering ideas from others’ writing  Writing hasty notes  Thinking & brainstorming  Talking with others

11  New sentences & paragraphs.  Spit it out!  Free writing  Keep your drafts

12  Making “global” changes, working with the ideas  Consulting & changing your outline  Generally, you don’t want to interrupt your composing to revise

13  Making changes at the “local” level  The wording of sentences  Grammar and punctuation  Document layout  Source citations and works cited page  Read out loud

14 Hjortshoj, Keith. The Transition to College Writing. 2 nd ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2009. Print. Ramage, John D., John C. Bean, & June Johnson. Writing Arguments: A Rhetoric with Readings. 7th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2007.

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