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Genius Hour: Biweekly Objectives SS Literacy. Genius Hour Biweekly Objectives During the Genius Hour Independent Research Project, students will review.

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1 Genius Hour: Biweekly Objectives SS Literacy

2 Genius Hour Biweekly Objectives During the Genius Hour Independent Research Project, students will review important themes related to the project biweekly (once every two weeks). These themes will be integrated with the project and will be assessed during Checkpoint #1 and #2. Each biweekly assessment will correspond to a thematic mini-unit, which will assist students in accurately completing their project. The three Biweekly Themes are: Theme #1: Research Theme #2: Social Studies Connection Theme #3: Final Product Creation and Presentation

3 Before you can begin researching for your assignment, you must first choose a topic and complete the Genius Hour Proposal and Action Plan sheet. Prior to researching, your Literacy teacher needs to approve your Genius Hour Proposal and Action Plan. This will ensure that your topic, Driving Question, Action Plan, and Final Product Proposal are school appropriate BEFORE you begin the research process. Theme #1: Research Genius Hour Proposal and Action Plan Approval

4 To make sure your sources are reliable, balanced, and accurate, follow these guidelines: Check copyright dates for currency, or how up-to-date your source is. This helps to ensure that the information gathered is the most recent available. Review the author’s background and credentials, to be sure the source is unbiased, credible, and valid. Evaluate a source for its relevancy to your topic. Scan the introduction, topic sentences, and conclusion to look for information related to your topic. Use multiple sources to verify information. If you find discrepancies between two sources, use a third to check for accuracy of your facts and details. Theme #1: Research Finding Reliable Sources

5 Similar to someone’s physical property, written ideas and words can also be stolen. When this happens, it is called plagiarism. Presenting someone else’s research, ideas, or opinions as your own, without properly giving the person credit, is plagiarism. To make sure you do not plagiarize someone else’s work, follow these guidelines: Take careful notes as you research. When writing, use direct quotations or paraphrase the information with proper citations. When turning in your Final Product, include a list of all sources, in MLA format. EasyBib ( can be used to assist with citing sources in MLA format. Theme #1: Research Avoiding Plagiarism

6 Notes should be taken throughout the research process. Note-Taking Procedures: Create a Source Card – Create one for every source you use. Assign each card a number to help you keep trach of your information. Record the Source – Record necessary information about the source. Include the page number(s) of where you found the information, the author, title, etc. Record Quotations – Copy words directly from the text in quotes. Double-check the accuracy of any direct quote. Paraphrase Text – Restate the text in your own words to check your understanding. Summarize Information from a Text – Write only the main points and most important details. Use Visual Aids – Include visuals (charts, graphs, maps) as part of your note-taking. Theme #1: Research Note-Taking Procedures

7 Throughout the research process, you will work to identify information that will be used to create the Final Product. To be sure your Final Product is accurate and complete, follow these guidelines: Cite Your Sources – You must give credit to your sources to avoid plagiarism. You are required to use a minimum of three sources in your research (two can be internet based; a minimum of one is required to be a print resource). Your sources should be listed in MLA format and included in a bibliography or works cited list. Proofread! – Proofreading all written portions of the Final Product will help to ensure you have corrected grammatical, spelling, or mechanical mistakes. Final Product and Presentation – After creating and proofreading your project, you will be required to present your Final Product to the class. Theme #1: Research Creating the Final Product

8 Throughout the Genius Hour Independent Research Project, you will be required to keep a daily journal. This is for you to write about your daily progress, thoughts, ideas, etc. You can also include information that you learned through your research. The journal will help you stay on track throughout the project! The last 5-7 minutes of class will be used for writing in your journals. In addition, journals will be a part of your Checkpoint and Final Product assessments. You are encouraged to write in your journal as often as you would like! Theme #1: Research Daily Journal

9 While completing your research, you will also need to connect your topic to one of the four Social Studies Domains. The four Social Studies Domains are: History Geography Economics Government Theme #2: S.S. Connection Connect Topics to Social Studies Domains

10 History – The branch of knowledge dealing with past events. For you Final Product, you will need to Research and discuss the history of your topic. How has this topic changed over time? What impact has this topic had on Georgia, the United States, or other areas around the world? Predict how this topic will continue to impact people during the future. Theme #2: S.S. Connection Option #1: History Connection

11 Geography – The study of the natural features of the earth’s surface, including topography, climate, soil, vegetation, etc., and man’s response to them. For you Final Product, you will need to research and discuss how your topic is implemented/used around the world. Is your topic used consistently around the world or does the use vary between different cities, states, or countries around the world? Include maps and/or pictures of places around the world where your topic is used. Theme #2: S.S. Connection Option #2: Geography Connection

12 Economics – The science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of humankind. For you Final Product, you will need to research and discuss the economic impact of your topic. What impact has your topic had on the economy of Georgia, the United States, and/or around the world? Include charts, graphs, etc., that display economic information related to your topic and its impact. Theme #2: S.S. Connection Option #3: Economics Connection

13 Government – The political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, states, and countries. For you Final Product, you will need to research and discuss how governments have encouraged or discouraged/prohibited your topic, in Georgia, the United States, and/or around the world. What rules or laws have been created that impact your topic? Theme #2: S.S. Connection Option #4: Government Connection

14 After completing your research, you are required to create a Final Product for the Genius Hour Independent Research Project. The Final Product should answer your Driving Question, created when you selected your project topic. Once completed, you will be required to present your Final Product to the class. Presentations could be in any of the following formats: PowerPoint, Prezi, or Google Slides A demonstration of your topic or newly acquired skill A student created video Any other TEACHER APPROVED presentation method Theme #3: Final Product Final Product Creation

15 Accurate and complete Final Products must include ALL of the following information and sections: Introduction about your topic, including what you are passionate about and an answer to your Driving Question. Presentation of information that you have learned about your topic. Process and methods that were used to become a “genius” on your topic. Social Studies connection to one of the four S.S. Domains (History, Geography, Economics, and Government). Conclusion about what you learned about your topic and how your understanding of the topic increased and/or changed throughout the activity. Bibliography or Works Cited – Include a list of valid and appropriate sources that were used to become a “genius” on your topic. Sources should be cited in MLA format. Theme #3: Final Product Final Product Checklist

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