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Ch 30 Cold War Conflicts and Social Transformations 1945-1985.

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1 Ch 30 Cold War Conflicts and Social Transformations 1945-1985

2 The Division of Europe Tensions rise before the war is even over Big 3 meet 3 times –Teheran: Nov 1943 (Normandy vs. the Balkans) USSR to “free” Eastern Europe –Yalta: Feb 1945 Soviet Union in Driver’s Seat Germany divided into zones USSR Declare War on Japan once GE defeated Eastern Europe governments free elected but pro USSR (is that even possible?)

3 The Division of Europe (Continued) Potsdam: Jul 1945 Eastern Europe is key topic of Discussion (Truman’s position) Beginning of Cold War –Truman: Free elections for all of Eastern Europe –Stalin: I need a buffer…lack of trust

4 West vs. East May 1945: US Cuts of all aid to USSR Oct 1945: US Will not recognize forced governments in eastern Europe March 1946: an Iron Curtain has fallen across the continent Stalin: Ideological struggle against capitalist imperialism (Stalin f!@#$% hates Capitalists) Communists in western Europe discover “American Plots” to take over Europe

5 Truman Doctrine and Marshal Plan Truman Doctrine—Stop communist expansion where it is Marshall Plan—Economic aid to Europe –Re-build from WW II –Encourage Democracy Berlin Airlift NATO and WARSAW PACT

6 The Western Renaissance

7 Post-War Challenges Economic conditions very bad Soviet Union loots East Germany Borders move (again)

8 Christian Democrats Italy (Alcide De Gasperi) France FRG (Konrad Adenauer) International cooperation in the West Socialists gain ground from within Would never have been successful without USA (Guns and Butter)

9 European Unity (Except Great Britain) Council of Europe OEEC –Coal and Steel Community (1950) –Treaty of Rome (1957) Decline of Colonialism –Japan –India –Africa

10 Cold War Turns Hot 1950 Soviet-backed North Koreans invade South; US (UN) Intervenes The China Syndrome US policy of containment now includes Asia By 1953 world is firmly divided in two –But really, It’s about Eastern Europe

11 Soviet Eastern Europe Stalin after WWII –Stalin F!@#$% hates Capitalists! –Revives purges and forced labor camps –Buffer Zone Stalin dies reform begins in Soviet Union –Khrushchev and his “secret Speech” –Rise of consumer industry and the arts

12 De-Stalinization (1955-1957) Austria Poland Hungary

13 End Of Soviet Reform Conservative communists oust Khrushchev –Losing Political Authority at home –Failures and weakness WRT USA Berlin Airlift (1958), Berlin Wall(1961), Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) –Brezhnev and arms race Satellites gain freedoms –Not Czechoslovakia (Alexander Dubcek) –Brezhnev Doctrine (1968)

14 Postwar Social Transformations Our Scientists at work in the war effort –Radar and the battle of Britain –The Big Boom (aka Big Science) –Jets –Not quite an I-Mac, but… Yuri and the Cosmonauts –To the Moon (yeah, baby, yeah!!) Why does Europe care???

15 Changing Class Structure Artisans and land owners replaced by … –Managers form a new middle class Technology replaces the peasant –It’s a Wal-Mart world Don’t forget socialist and Gov employees

16 New Roles for Women Mr. Young’s Nanny Baby Boomers Technology, medicine, and Motherhood –Economic Boom from 1950-1973 –More “white Collar” jobs –More women educated That’s one thing the communist got right

17 Youth and Counterculture Again, it’s the baby boomers Blame the Americans 3 Key factors: mass communication; Lot’s of Kids (again, the baby boomers); economic progress Vietnam War and increase in poplularity of Communism

18 Conflict and Challenges in the late Cold War (1968-1985) Vietnam War and Gas Lines –Policy of Containment (Truman Doctrine) –International Economy based on the $ –OPEC’s US Embargo (Oct 1973) End of Post-war Renaissance West Germany and the Treaty of Reconciliation—Détente Afghanistan 1979

19 The Women’s Movement Why—working mom’s; Feminist intellectuals; and unification movements The Second Sex The Feminine Mystique Very successful and encouraged other groups to call for social change

20 Troubled Economy Remember those gas lines? The beginning of the end –The Shah of Iran oil doubles again –Unemployment reaches highest level since the great depression in Western Europe –Fall of EEC?...No Way!!

21 A New Hope Thank you, Socialists –Big Government in Europe (>50% of National Spending)—1982 –Deficits lead to new wave of Conservatism

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