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Flood Mapping Across the Pond: A Comparison of Programs and Technical Requirements The US, the UK, and the Republic of Ireland Michele Seib, PE, CFM Neil.

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Presentation on theme: "Flood Mapping Across the Pond: A Comparison of Programs and Technical Requirements The US, the UK, and the Republic of Ireland Michele Seib, PE, CFM Neil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flood Mapping Across the Pond: A Comparison of Programs and Technical Requirements The US, the UK, and the Republic of Ireland Michele Seib, PE, CFM Neil Breton, Chartered Hydrologist

2 Overview Introduction Gathering & Analyzing Flood Data Mapping Flood Risk Using the Flood Data Conclusions

3 Overview Introduction Gathering & Analyzing Flood Data Mapping Flood Risk Using the Flood Data Conclusions

4 Introduction US Longest River 4,543 miles UK Longest River 220 miles Ireland Longest River 240 miles

5 Introduction US UK Ireland NFIP EU Directive 2007/60/EU

6 Overview Introduction Gathering & Analyzing Flood Data Mapping Flood Risk Using the Flood Data Conclusions

7 Gathering & Analyzing Flood Data Determining Drainage Areas US UKIreland Delineated for EACH study Use best available topography Drainage Areas pre-defined by catchment descriptors Standard Approach Datasets

8 Gathering & Analyzing Flood Data Hydrology US UKIreland Regression Gages Rainfall Runoff Other FEMA approved models FEH rainfall-runoff FEH Hydrographs IOH124 for urban locations Rational/Wallingford FSR FSU

9 Gathering & Analyzing Flood Data Hydraulics US UKIreland HEC-RAS 2-D Models Other FEMA approved models 1-D 2-D 1-D 2-D

10 Gathering & Analyzing Flood Data Structures

11 Overview Introduction Gathering & Analyzing Flood Data Mapping Flood Risk Using the Flood Data Conclusions

12 Mapping Flood Risk FIRM & FISSFRM & SFRACFRAM

13 Mapping Flood Risk FIRM & FIS

14 Mapping Flood Risk SFRM & SFRA

15 Mapping Flood Risk CFRAM

16 Overview Introduction Gathering & Analyzing Flood Data Mapping Flood Risk Using the Flood Data Conclusions

17 Using the Flood Data Mitigation Insurance Land Use Planning Development Flood Defense Structures

18 Overview Introduction Gathering & Analyzing Flood Data Mapping Flood Risk Using the Flood Data Conclusions

19 Combining different sources of risk assessment (such as in the UK) provides a holistic overview of all flood sources Revising entire maps/products (as in the US) provides a singular, definitive flood outline incorporating all changes and modifications Uncertainty maps highlight areas where flooding is still a risk for a particular event

20 Michele Seib Neil Breton

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