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GRADE 5 HISTORY AND NATURE OF SCIENCE, Scientific Enterprise: The student will recognize that science and technology involve different kinds of work and.

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Presentation on theme: "GRADE 5 HISTORY AND NATURE OF SCIENCE, Scientific Enterprise: The student will recognize that science and technology involve different kinds of work and."— Presentation transcript:

1 GRADE 5 HISTORY AND NATURE OF SCIENCE, Scientific Enterprise: The student will recognize that science and technology involve different kinds of work and engages men and women of all backgrounds.

2 One of the most influential scientists in history! England: 1643 - 1727

3 The greatest fossilist the world ever knew Lyme Regis, Great Britain 1799-1847 Anning's Ichthyosaurs discovered when she was 10 years old. Anning's Plesiosaurs

4 Father of MicrobiologyNetherlands: 1632-1723  Improved the microscope- first to describe single-celled organisms  Created over 400 microscopes, 9 of which are still used today... my work, which I've done for a long time, was not pursued in order to gain the praise I now enjoy, but chiefly from a craving after knowledge, which I notice resides in me more than in most other men. And therewithal, whenever I found out anything remarkable, I have thought it my duty to put down my discovery on paper, so that all ingenious people might be informed thereof. Antony van Leeuwenhoek. Letter of June 12, 1716

5 Prevented milk & wine from going sour: Pasteurization! France: 1822-1895 He solved the mysteries of rabies, anthrax, chicken cholera, and silkworm diseases, and contributed to the development of the first vaccines.

6 The mother of the modern environmental movement. Pennsylvania, USA 1907-1964  Wrote Silent Spring, a book that called for the testing of chemicals and questioned the dangers of indiscriminate use of pesticides

7 Father of Modern Geology Scotland: 1726–1797  Loved scientific inquiry,  studied the surface of the earth

8 Theory of Relativity E=mc2 Germany: 1879-1955  Nobel Peace Prize in Physics in 1921

9 Father of PaleontologyFrance: 1769-1832  Compared living animals with fossils  Established extinction as a fact

10 The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1904 Russia: 1849-1936  Classical conditioning using dogs  Pavlov’s Dog is often used to describe someone who merely reacts to a situation rather than use critical thinking

11 Greatest ancient astronomical observer Turkey: 190 BC-120 BC

12 Inventor of the telephoneScotland: 1847-1922  Founding member of the National Geographic Society  Hydrofoils  Aeronautics

13 Greatest Mathematician of his age Syracuse: 287 BC - 212 BC Invented … pully the Archimedean screw pumping Hydrostatics levers

14 Developed Mohs Scale of Mineral Hardness Germany: 1773-1839 1 (Talc) 2 (Gypsum) 3 (Calcite) 4 (Fluorite) 5 (Apatite) 6 (Orthoclase Feldspar) 7 (Quartz) 8 (Topaz) 9 (Corundum) 10 (Diamond)

15 Father of MicroscopyEngland: 1635-1703  1 st to study and record cells  Invented the iris diaphragm in cameras, the universal joint used in motor vehicles, the balance wheel in a watch

16 Studied ChimpanzeesEngland: 1934 - Present

17 Gold Medal of the Global Astronomical Society in 1898 England: 1848-1931  Discovered meteors, novas and comets

18 The Undersea World of Jacques- TV series France: 1910-1997  oceanographic technician  Calypso-ship  Exposed pollution, over-exploration of resources and coastal development  Served in the French navy in WWII

19 Fujita Scale: differentiates tornado intensity and links tornado damage with wind speed Japan: 1920-1998  His research on severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes and typhoons revolutionized knowledge of each.  Discovered downburst, microburst

20 Halley’s Comet-seen every 75 years England: 1656-1742  Discovered the proper motion of the fixed stars,  studied the orbital movements of the moon and of comets

21 Richter Magnitude Scale – compares the size of earthquakes USA: 1900-1985










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