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Ontario’s Health and Physical Education Curriculum in Our Catholic Schools.

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1 Ontario’s Health and Physical Education Curriculum in Our Catholic Schools

2 Opening Prayer Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

3 How is Curriculum Developed/Reviewed? Regular Review Cycle Writing/review team put together: majority are teachers with a specialty in the area Usually representatives from the 4 Publicly Funded Education communities: English Public, English Catholic, French Public, French Catholic May include researchers or other specialists in the curricular area Generally reviews take about 3 years Then sent for review – curriculum partners, community groups, etc.

4 Role of Parents Since parents have given children their life, they are bound by the most serious obligation to educate their offspring and therefore must be recognized as the primary and principal educators. (Pope Paul VI) Parents are the primary educators of their children with respect to learning about values, appropriate behaviour, and ethnocultural, spiritual and personal beliefs and traditions, and they act as significant role models for their children. (Ontario Health and Physical Education Curriculum)

5 Family Life Ontario Catholic schools have always taught “sex-ed” through our Family Life program. For over thirty-five years, the Ontario Bishops have worked with Catholic partners to develop a faith filled, age appropriate program that provides our students with an understanding of sexuality as God intended. This program is called “Fully Alive”.

6 Fully Alive Goals present a distinctively Catholic view of human life, sexuality, marriage and family. complement the efforts of families support what parents are doing at home. The entire program, from Grades 1 through Grade 8, is designed to encourage students to become the people God wants them to be – to be fully alive.

7 5 Themes: 1.Created and Loved by God 2.Living in Relationship 3. Created Sexual: Male and Female 4. Growing in Commitment 5. Living in the World Family Life Curriculum is where we teach Human Development and Sexual Health

8 Family Life In Toronto Catholic, every student in Grades 1 to 8 is taught the “sex-ed” curriculum using the approved Fully Alive program. All “sex-ed” curricula is ONLY taught in our Fully Alive program. Details about the Fully Alive Program is on the Ontario Bishops’ website:

9 Do Catholic school boards have to follow the Ontario curriculum?

10 Catholic Curriculum While working with Ministry of Education curricula, Catholic schools use the Gospel of Jesus and the tradition of the Catholic Church as the starting point in our educational approach to ALL content.

11 ICE (Institute for Catholic Education) works with and assists organizations that share responsibility for English Catholic education in their efforts to promote and maintain publicly funded Catholic schools animated by the Gospel and reflected by the tenets of the Catholic faith Coordinates writing Catholic curriculum within the parameters established by the Ministry of Education Develops material in Religious Education and related areas under the guidance of and in the name of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario

12 Revised Health and Physical Education Curriculum, Grades 1 – 8, 2015 Ministry of Education HPE curriculum

13 HPE Curriculum Overview Has 3 strands: Active Living Movement Competence Healthy Living Healthy Living Strand covers: Healthy eating Personal safety and injury prevention Substance use, addictions and related behaviours Human growth and sexual health

14 TOPIC: Human Development and Sexual Health Understanding Health ConceptsMaking Healthy ChoicesMaking Connections for Healthy Living Grade 1C1.3 Body Parts C1.4 Senses and functions C2.5 Hygienic procedures Grade 2C1.4 Stages of dev’tC2.4 Oral Health Grade 3C1.3 Healthy Relationships C1.4 Physical and emotional development C3.3 Visible, invisible differences, respect Grade 4C1.5 Puberty changes; emotional, social impact C2.4 Puberty – personal hygiene and care Grade 5C1.3 Reproductive System C1.4 Menstruation, spermatogenesis C2.4 Emotional, interpersonal stresses - puberty Ministry curriculum

15 Fully Alive GRADE 3…CREATED AND LOVED BY GOD: A1. Appreciating God’s Goodness: demonstrate an appreciation that humans have been created in the image of a loving God. A1.2 Recognize and appreciate the variety of people in their classroom GRADE 3…LIVING IN RELATIONSHIP: B3.1 Describe some unique characteristics of their families HPE C3.3 describe how visible differences and invisible differences make each person unique, and identify ways of showing respect for differences in others So what does this look like?

16 Where’s the controversy? Phrases found in the teacher prompts AND/OR Expressions used in the student prompts AND/OR The “e.g.”s – the examples given All of these are optional! Even in the “secular” curriculum…

17 Example of a Controversial Expectation HPE Grade 3 C3.3 describe how visible differences and invisible differences make each person unique, and identify ways of showing respect for differences in others Teacher Prompt: “…..Give me some examples of things that make each person unique.” Student: “We all come from different families. Some students live with two parents. Some live with one parent. Some have two mothers or two fathers….”

18 A Reminder….. In Toronto Catholic, every student in Grades 1 to 8 is taught the “sex-ed” curriculum using the approved Fully Alive program. All HPE human growth and sexual health expectations will be met through our Fully Alive program. Teachers will ONLY use our program. Details about the Fully Alive Program is on the Ontario Bishops’ website:

19 TOPIC: Human Dev’t and Sexual Health Understanding Health Concepts Making Healthy Choices Making Connections for Healthy Living Grade 6C1.3 Dev’t of self concept C2.5 Understanding of puberty changes, healthy relationships C2.6 Decision making in relationships C3.3 Stereotypes and assumptions – impacts and strategies for responding Grade 7 C1.3 Delaying sexual activity C1.4 Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) C1.5 STI and pregnancy prevention C2.4 Sexual health and decision making C3.3 Relationships at puberty Grade 8C1.4 Decisions about sexual activity; supports C1.5 Gender identity, sexual orientation, self- concept C2.4 Decision making, contraception C3.2 Relationships and intimacy

20 So what does this look like? Fully Alive Grade 7…CREATED SEXUAL MALE AND FEMALE: C1.2 recognize and appreciate the challenge of being good stewards of their lives as body/spirit persons C2.4 recognize and appreciate that intimate sexual activity exposes young people to serious moral, emotional and physical harm C3.2 explain the value of good nutrition, exercise, adequate sleep, protection of sexual health, and a realistic view of body image during adolescence C3.4 describe attitudes and behaviours that show respect for the gift of sexuality C1.3 explain the importance of having a shared understanding with a partner about delaying sexual activity until they are older; the reasons for not engaging in sexual activity; the concept of consent and how consent is communicated; and, in general, the need to communicate clearly with each other when making decisions about sexual activity in the relationship

21 More controversy….. HPE Grade 7 C1.3 explain the importance of having a shared understanding with a partner about the following: delaying sexual activity until they are older (e.g., choosing to abstain from any genital contact; choosing to abstain from having vaginal or anal intercourse; choosing to abstain from having oral-genital contact); the reasons for not engaging in sexual activity; the concept of consent and how consent is communicated; and, in general, the need to communicate clearly with each other when making decisions about sexual activity in the relationship

22 A Reminder….. In Toronto Catholic, every student in Grades 1 to 8 is taught the “sex-ed” curriculum using the approved Fully Alive program. All HPE human growth and sexual health expectations will be met through our Fully Alive program. Teachers will ONLY use our program. Details about the Fully Alive Program is on the Ontario Bishops’ website:

23 Catholic Schools will continue to teach Fully Alive as we move into the Human Development and Sexual Health sub topic of the Healthy Living portion of the revised 2015 Health and Physical Education Curriculum Catholic View of Human Life, Sexuality, Marriage and Family Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario website

24 COMPLETED TO DATE: Reviewed current Family Life Education program Fully Alive Sent home communication to elementary families Responded to and provided direction to community members Provided Principals with information on updated curriculum Information sharing for SO’s and Trustees Media release UNDERWAY:  Connecting with Catholic partners to create resources  Working on linking Secondary HPE Revised Curriculum and Religious Education curriculum

25 1.Remember who we are – Values, integrity of the person, hands and feet of Jesus 2.Comment on what we know, not rumour and gossip 3.Avoid personalizing and negative stereotypes 4.Use the support of the Principal 5.Talk about what we are doing – we are doing Great things. 6.Be reassured that we have a plan to continue to teach according to Gospel teaching 7.Remember that even when we disagree and advocate, we can model our Virtues and strengthen our community PRESERVE, PROMOTE AND PROTECT


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