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1 General Education Office ILA2401 English for the Hotel Business Unit 8: Off-Site Services.

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1 1 General Education Office ILA2401 English for the Hotel Business Unit 8: Off-Site Services

2 2 Objectives Following this lesson, you will be able to: Use a range of excursion related vocabulary Use the first conditional to talk about future events Give advice using standard phrases Describe features of excursions/tours Distinguish attractions from a guided tour

3 3 Excursions What is an excursion?   An excursion is a trip by a group of people, usually made for leisure, education, or physical purposes. Excursions can be made by individuals alone, or they can be organized by hotels for their guests to promote tourism.  Tourism is travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes.

4 4 Excursions Do you know these different types of excursions? Where do you find these excursions?

5 5 Excursions What other types of excursions can you think of? Can you guess these other types of excursions?

6 6 Travelling Review the excursions hand-out and estimate prices. (Total price and price-per-person-per night ‘ppppn’)

7 7 Tourist Information

8 8 1)Read the tourist leaflet on the following page and find this information: time from airport to city centre the location of the Hong Kong Tourist Office a traditional lunch dish the location of two night markets a place for a good view of the city a fashionable place for dinner opening hours of the temple

9 9 but videos are better Leaflets are OK……………………..

10 10 Word Study – a coach tour Look at this list of facilities offered on a coach tour. Fill in the gaps with one of the words underneath. a_______________ from your hotel b_______________ at your hotel cexpert and _________ guide d___________ charges included in price elunch ____________ in price fmodern coach with ____________ or heating g__________ seats hno ____________ charge i___________ on the coach j___________ in own language ktea and coffee _____________ on the coach air-conditioningdrop-offpick-upavailable entertaining reclining cancellationentrance toiletscommentaryincluded air-conditioning drop-off pick-up entertaining entrance included reclining cancellation commentary toilets available

11 11 Language Study First Conditional We use first conditional to explain the result of a condition met. Look at these examples. If + Present Tense, will If you come on the tour, you’ll see a range of Thai temples. If you are fit and like adventure, you’ll love this trip. If + Present Tense, modal verb If you have any questions, you can ask me when I come around. If + Present Tense, Imperative If you come, bring plenty of water. Note the result clause can come first. e.g., What will we do if it rains? or If it rains, what will we do?

12 12 Language Study First Conditional Expand these sentences about the excursions in Thailand: AIf / go / Koh Samui / see / Big Buddha temple BIf / go / Chao Phraya cruise / return / midnight CHave / elephant ride / if / go / Kanchanaburi DIf / sunbathe / not forget / sun-cream (Use each of the types)

13 13 Giving advice Look at the ways representatives can give advice: Why don’t you come on the Grand Palace tour? If I were you, I’d wait till the Thursday or Friday. You could always spend some hours shopping at Chatuchak market. 1) Can you think of any other ways of giving advice? 2) Now give advice to the person making these statements: a) I’ve lost my passport. b) I’ve got a terrible headache. c) I can’t find my keys. d) We’d like to eat some traditional local food. e) What should I visit while I’m staying here? f) What’s a good present to take home? g) Which wine do you recommend to go with the chicken?

14 14 Listening Listen to the guided tour of Charleston 1) As you listen, put these attraction into the order in which they are mentioned by the guide. a  St Michael’s Churchf  Ashley Gibbons Memorial Bridge b  Calhoun Mansiong  Gibbes Museum of Art c  The Old Marketh  Charles Towne Landing d  King Streeti  USS Yorktown e  Battery / White Point Gardensj  Heywood-Washington House Can you identify the points on the map?

15 15 Listening Listen again and indicate whether these statements are True (T) or False (F) a  The driver’s name is Tom. b  The air-conditioning needs to be adjusted c  St Michael’s Church was built in 1671 d  One of the historic houses was built by George Washington e  The Battery is also known as White Point Gardens f  The tour arrives at the Calhoun Mansion at 4pm g  The Charles Towne Landing is on the other side of the river. h  At the end, the guide takes the group shopping.

16 16 Summary During this lesson, you have: Used a range of excursion related vocabulary Used the first conditional to talk about future events Given advice using standard phrases Describe features of excursions/tours Distinguished attractions from a guided tour

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