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4/12/2001P. Ninin1 MP5 2001 STATUS REPORT MP5 a tool for the daily life of the ST division…

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Presentation on theme: "4/12/2001P. Ninin1 MP5 2001 STATUS REPORT MP5 a tool for the daily life of the ST division…"— Presentation transcript:

1 4/12/2001P. Ninin1 MP5 2001 STATUS REPORT MP5 a tool for the daily life of the ST division…

2 4/12/2001P. Ninin2 2001 Status report In 2001, priority on data migration –All systems migrated (Vax stopped end of Dec.) –Waiting for ST/CV procedures & workflows Reporting –Weak in actual version of MP5 –Needs partly covered by new version (web) –Divisional reporting shall be developed Human Resources: should be OK in 2002

3 4/12/2001P. Ninin3 After the 31 December… RAPIER definitively SHUTED DOWN –No more preventive work follow-up –No corrective follow-up –No more contract follow-up End GAME OVER

4 4/12/2001P. Ninin4 2002 Milestones 01/2002 - Test DB with new version, - Start Preparing FM data - HM vehicules park 02/2002 - Buy and install new Server 03/2002 - Define and Test new client access (compliant with CERN computer security policy) 04/2002 - Update procedures in all groups 05/2002 - Training of main users & Migration

5 4/12/2001P. Ninin5 2002 Milestones - Data FM contract preparation –Data re-organization Strong support needed from CM and MM –Procedure remains

6 4/12/2001P. Ninin6 People involved RMM: Responsible of the MM MM: Maintenance Manager DM: Data Manager MS: MP5 Support MT: Maintenance Technician CM: Contract Manager GL: Group Leader PL: Project Leader

7 4/12/2001P. Ninin7 MP5 Support? Maintenance Manager Data Manager Techician Maintenance ELG. Cumer?? CVJ. Kuhnl?? HMB. Langer?? MAE. Sanchez, R. Nunes ?? FMP. Pepinster?? To be completed before January 2002…

8 4/12/2001P. Ninin8 MP5 Use Pro-active –Project phase Early naming, procedure and data definition Performance Metrics Definition and implementation –PL, MM, CM, DM Operation –Maintenance of data and procedure (MM) –Contract activity follow-up thru reporting

9 4/12/2001P. Ninin9 To succeed… All players should go back to the playground –MM + RMM* + CS -> meeting twice a month –Need an available “coach” –Time limited mandate Preparation of the Milestone plan with all players Intensive Work force up to June 2002 –All players identified and committed –Priorities identified and discussed

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