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The Civil War Amanda Burden Karen Richards Malane Taylor Oh yeah And... Bill Yakunovich ED417-A01.

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2 The Civil War Amanda Burden Karen Richards Malane Taylor Oh yeah And... Bill Yakunovich ED417-A01

3 6th Grade Social Studies


5 Activities Have the students re-write the ending to the Civil War. They can have a peace treaty or the South win. The students must tell how the United States would have been different if the Civil War had ended differently.



8 Activities Separate the class into groups, each group will conduct a front line news report from a different battle.

9 More Activities Separate the class into groups, each group will cook a different meal from the Civil War era.



12 Activities Have the students re-enact a Civil War battle on a strategy board. Have students re-enact a meeting between officers of the Confederacy and officials from France to conduct trading of supplies.



15 Activities Write out strategies to rage an offense against the enemy. Have the students plan a strategy to get supplies to the troops on the battlefield.


17 Activities Have the students conduct a presidential election for the newly formed Confederacy. - Separate into two separate parties, each party must hold a campaign for their presidential candidate.


19 Activities Have the students research the draft for this era. –Was there a draft? If not, should there have been a draft? If so, how did the draft work at that time?

20 Web Addresses Http:// mlHttp:// ml Http:// Http://

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