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AP Style Bell Ringers Journalism 1 and 2.

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1 AP Style Bell Ringers Journalism 1 and 2

2 Which of these versions is correct? And WHY?
1 It’s not OK to wear T-shirts at practice, coach Carter said. It’s not okay to wear tee shirts at practice, Coach Carter said.

3 Answer = A 1 It’s not OK to wear T-shirts at practice, coach Carter said. The AP stylebook says that it’s OK, not okay or o.k. People where T-shirts. And coach is a job description, not a formal title, so it does not need to be capitalized.

4 Which of these versions is correct? And WHY?
2 A. General Myers met ten times with former vice president Gore. B. Gen. Myers met 10 times with former Vice President Gore.

5 Answer = B Gen. Myers met 10 times with former Vice President Gore.
2 Gen. Myers met 10 times with former Vice President Gore. Military titles are abbreviated before proper names, so it’s Gen., not spelled out General. Numerals 10 and above use figures; below 10, they’re spelled out. And vice president is a formal title that’s capitalized (but not abbreviated) before someone’s name.

6 Which of these versions is correct? And WHY?
3 He drove East from Seattle, Washington to Boise, Idaho. He drove east from Seattle, Wash., to Boise, Idaho.

7 Answer = B He drove east from Seattle, Wash., to Boise, Idaho.
3 He drove east from Seattle, Wash., to Boise, Idaho. Compass directions (east, west) are generally lowercase; they’re capitalized when they indicate regions (the South). Long state names are abbreviated and set off by commas when they follow city names. Short state names (Ohio, Idaho, etc.) aren’t abbreviated.

8 Which of these versions is correct? And WHY?
4 The FBI office has moved to Third Ave. The F.B.I. office has moved to 1,250 3rd Avenue.

9 Answer = A The FBI office has moved to 1250 Third Ave.
4 The FBI office has moved to Third Ave. FBI uses no periods. Numbered streets are words (First, Third) if thyey are lower than 10; higher-numbered streets use numerals (12th, 42nd). Street addresses use no commas. Avenue is abbreviated when its part of a street address.

10 Which of these versions is correct? And WHY?
5 In the 90’s, she received mostly A’s in school despite being a rock-and- roll groupie. In the ‘90s, she received mostly A’s in school despite being a rock ’n’ roll groupie.

11 Answer = B 5 In the ‘90s, she received mostly A’s in school despite being a rock ’n’ roll groupie. Decades are abbreviated with apostrophes before the numeral, not after (’90s not 90’s). Single letters are made plural by adding apostrophe s (A’s), although multiple letter combinations don’t add apostrophes (ABCs). And rock ’n’ roll is written this way because the apostrophes stand in for the letter a and d in and.

12 Which of these versions is correct? And WHY?
6 Aaron C. Reskew Jr. is the candidate who will be elected mayor. Aaron C. Reskew, Jr. is the candidate that will be elected Mayor.

13 Answer = A 6 Aaron C. Reskew Jr. is the candidate who will be elected mayor. When the abbreviation for junior follows a complete name, it’s written Jr. but not set off by a comma. Who, not that, is the pronoun used for people (and animals with names). And mayor is a formal title that’s capitalized only when it precedes a name.

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