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` Gene Diversification and Transcript Variants by Transposable Elements Un-Jong Jo 1, Dae-Soo Kim 1, Tae-Hyung Kim 1, Jae-Won Huh 2 and Heui-Soo Kim 1,2.

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Presentation on theme: "` Gene Diversification and Transcript Variants by Transposable Elements Un-Jong Jo 1, Dae-Soo Kim 1, Tae-Hyung Kim 1, Jae-Won Huh 2 and Heui-Soo Kim 1,2."— Presentation transcript:

1 ` Gene Diversification and Transcript Variants by Transposable Elements Un-Jong Jo 1, Dae-Soo Kim 1, Tae-Hyung Kim 1, Jae-Won Huh 2 and Heui-Soo Kim 1,2 1 PBBRC, Interdisciplinary Research Program of Bioinformatics, Pusan National University, Busan 2 Divition of Biological Science, College of Natural Sciences, Pusan National University, Busan ABSTRACT During the primate evolution, many different retroelement had integrated into the primate genome and followed by the diversification of gene. Among various transposable elements, LTR and LINE have been reported to have polyadenylation signal for their transcription. SINE also has a potential ability providing the polyadenylation signal if it inserted in 3’ UTR region of gene. The integration of transposable elements which control capacity of the transcription termination results in different transcripts. We found various fused transcripts with transposable element at transcript terminal region, indicating that transposable elements are associated with transcription termination for the alternative splicing. Fusion types were divided by the four types (Type I, Type II, Type II, Type III, and Type IV). Known 12 canonical polyadenylation siganls were used for the analysis of final exon fused by transposable elements. Most of candidate fusion genes were revealed to have more than two polyadenylation signals. We construct a database used by these data set. Database provides expressed information and also our data suggests that transposable elements seem to be main resources to make different splicing pattern in the transcript termination region by providing the polyadenylation signals. It can be accessed at INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS REFERENCES Fig. 1. Structure of (A) LINE and (B) LTR element 1. Daiqing Liao. Thomas Pavelitz, Alan M. Weiner. 1998. Characterization of noverl class of interspersed LTR elements in primate genomes: Structure, genomic distribution, and evolution. J. Mol. Evol. 46: 649-660 2. Dan E. Krane and Ross C. Hardison. 1990. Short interspersed repeats in rabbit DNA can provide functional polyadenylation signals. Mol. Biol. Evol. 7(1):1-8. 417154308357 Putative poly A tail in repeat fusion region Signal in repeat fusion regionRepeat fused Table 1. Statistics on 3’ repeat fused region 1138433510682841 DNASINELTRLINE Table 2. Composition of exon fused repeat containing putative poly A signal (A) (B) Fig. 2. Flow chart of the 3’ UTR expression analysis Fig. 3. Web interface for search menu (A) and result. (B) ORF2ORF1 3’UTR Antisense promoter Promoter Premature polyadenylation site Premature polyadenylation signal TSD AAAAn TSD 5’UTR Primer binding site SD gagpropolenv3’ UTR U5 R U3RU5 MACANCPRRTRnaseHINSUTMU3 R U5 RU3 Hormone response element Enhancer Promoter PolyA signal Search for name and accession number Search for chromosome number Search for transposable elements (A) (B) Human Genome Build 35.1 RefSeq SIM4 Putative poly A signal search Repeat fused? Yes Signal existed? Yes Putative signal with repeat fused mRNAcDNAdbESTGene Gene clustering used by UniGene clustering information RepeatMasker Poly A signal and site analysis Poly A tail search Signal existed? No Yes Only signal data Signal and putative tail data Database RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Gene information Distribution of Transposable element Expression Information for transposable element EST information and ontology Transcript alignment information

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