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Full Circle Journal Question Think about mystery stories that you have read or heard. What is your favorite mystery, and why?

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Presentation on theme: "Full Circle Journal Question Think about mystery stories that you have read or heard. What is your favorite mystery, and why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Full Circle Journal Question Think about mystery stories that you have read or heard. What is your favorite mystery, and why?

2 Full Circle vocabulary Dispel _ to scatter or drive away Harass – to consistently bother or torment Wary – cautious or watchful

3 Vocab continued  Despondently – in a very discouraged or depressed manner  Sullen - showing irritation or unhappiness in a gloomy, silent or moody manner  Egotistical – conceited overly proud

4 Vocab continued  Inexplicable – difficult or impossible to explain  Brevity - the quality of being brief in time or duration  Skewed distorted or slanted in a particular direction : unbalanced

5 NOTES ON THE STORY  Author _ Sue Grafton  Setting - Santa Teresa, California  Modern day time around 1990 or so  Based on the real city Santa Barbara

6 Characters  Kinsey Millhone _ private detective She is the protagonist  Caroline Spurrier – the murdered girl  Judy Layton - Caroline Spurrier’s roomate  Michelle Spurrier - Caroline’s mother

7 Literary Terms  Plot diagram  irony

8  Emerald – African American clerk at the police station (in records ) Detective Dolan – Police detective Dave Birkett – crime scene photographer

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