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Sound Scotland Practitioner Training Learning Connections.

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Presentation on theme: "Sound Scotland Practitioner Training Learning Connections."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sound Scotland Practitioner Training Learning Connections

2 Today’s Programme 10.00 Welcome and introduction 10.05 Overview of the training 10.10 Why use sound with adult ESOL learners? 10.25 Introduction to creating sound 10.40 Creating authentic listening and speaking materials 11.00 Work out a scenario 11.15Coffee Break 11.30 Planning a learning & teaching activity 12.00Lunch 12.45Create an audio file 13.30Create the learning and teaching materials 14.45Sharing work 15.15Summing up 15.30 Close

3 SoundScotland Training Overview Aims of training To explore:  why and how to use original sound to support adult ESOL learning  how to plan and create a range of contextualised listening and speaking resources for ESOL learners  how to record sound onto computer  how to edit sound using software  how to create an ESOL learning session which uses sound

4 Let’s meet each other! Hellorerr! Awrite? Howzitgaun? Fit like?

5 Group Discussion  How are you currently using sound in adult ESOL learning?  What are the benefits of creating original sound resources?  What are the challenges?

6 Adult Literacies Online

7 Examples of SoundScotland Resources Ordering Chips Getting a repairman

8 Devices for recording sound

9 Creating your first recording Step 2. Click on this icon Step 1. In pairs, pretend to leave a message on the telephone answer machine of your local police station Step 3. Click red button to start recording Step 4. Click yellow button to stop recording Step 5. Click mouse at start of grey section & click the green arrow to play. Step 6. Go to File, click on export as a.wav file (sound file), give it a ‘file name’ and save to desktop. Go to desktop and double click to play.wav file.

10 Creating authentic listening and speaking resources for ESOL learners –Develop a bank of activities and apply to each learning and teaching resource you create e.g. Booking the ferry –In pairs use the script for ‘Burst Pipe’ and then think up 2 ESOL activities which you could develop –Share ideas with the whole group

11 Work out an everyday scenario In your group decide on an every day speaking and listening scenario that could be developed using the realia resource provided. The scenario will include a sound recording such as:  making a telephone pizza order;  booking a children’s party at the local swimming pool;  making a complaint about library charges;  finding out about becoming a volunteer;  ringing up about a job; and  chatting to a child about their performance at school.

12 Coffee break

13 Write the script for a learning and teaching activity using sound In pairs, take 30 minutes to script a conversation based on the realia provided..

14 Lunch Break

15 Create an audio file Record original sounds using the script you have written and a headset plugged directly into a computer. Edit the sounds using audacity software and save as a.wav file (sound file)

16 Sharing work Use your new ‘pen drives’ and save your work onto the main presentation computer. Save work with your name on it.

17 Feedback and questions

18 Thank you Clare El Azebbi, Development Coordinator Learning Connections, Lifelong Learning Directorate, DG Education Tel:0141 305 4155 Email: Sheena Morrison, Director, Sheerface Ltd Key Contact for Victoria Curley and Richie Hales Tel: 01368 860915 Email:

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