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By Leor & Gabriel Davoodpour Definition: Removing a mineral deposit from the Earth after removing the layer of earth above it. Techniques: Area Mining.

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Presentation on theme: "By Leor & Gabriel Davoodpour Definition: Removing a mineral deposit from the Earth after removing the layer of earth above it. Techniques: Area Mining."— Presentation transcript:


2 By Leor & Gabriel Davoodpour



5 Definition: Removing a mineral deposit from the Earth after removing the layer of earth above it. Techniques: Area Mining Open Pit Mining Contour Mining Auger Mining Mountaintop Removal






11 Landslides, erosion, sedimentation, and flooding. Eliminates existing vegetation and alters the natural soil layers. Land after mining is not capable of plant succession. All species either destroyed or displaced. Habitats like cliffs and caves are almost impossible to restore. Causes deforestation

12 Mainly to gain coal and other minerals. Coal near the surface of the ground has been used up.

13 Finding an area that doesn’t have much contact with water. Revegetating a site after mining is complete. Limit the amount of mines that can be put in an area. Find a better way to mine that would not hurt nature. Use recycled materials instead of mined materials in daily life. Design mines that produce less waste. Environmental cleanups.

14 Some strip miners are taking the responsible route of following basic steps to decrease side affects to strip mining. OSMRE Efforts by EPA Federal governments inputting laws to suppress strip mining.





19 Contact the OSMRE (Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement) at (202)-208-2565 and if you have questions email Contact the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) on Facebook, Twitter, Google + Learn more on the EPA YouTube channel If you want to share your opinions/feelings find a blog at

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