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KEEPING FIT… BUT HOW? Most of us dream about looking fit, feeling good and having a long life. We have been trying to find formulas for them for centuries.

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Presentation on theme: "KEEPING FIT… BUT HOW? Most of us dream about looking fit, feeling good and having a long life. We have been trying to find formulas for them for centuries."— Presentation transcript:



3 Most of us dream about looking fit, feeling good and having a long life. We have been trying to find formulas for them for centuries.

4 We need to follow some rules that arrange our lives. With these small changes a healthy body won’t be just a dream and it’ll become real.

5 Start the day with a rich breakfast

6 The first meal of the day, breakfast, is actually the most important one.

7 However, we often skip breakfast or gobble a hurried one, which is when all the trouble with our diet begins.

8 Breakfast literally means the meal we break our night-long fast with. Skipping breakfast can seriously affect our health.

9 Do regular exercise

10 You don’t have to be an Olympic athlete to be physically active.

11 You must find a way to get you active. It depends on what you like. Walking, running, swimming, dancing…

12 Doing some exercise doesn’t mean “no pain, no gain”, it’s just you have to get out and get moving.

13 A 30 minute- walk every day can work wonders.

14 Sleep is vital to good health, mental and emotional well-being.

15 Everyone needs deep, non-stop sleep !

16 Eat more vegetables and consume salad

17 Vegetables contain essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that may help protect you from chronic diseases.

18 Don’t overload portion …

19 Look for foods that are grilled, baked … than fried!

20 Prefer water, mineral water, ayran and fresh fruit juice to drink…

21 Drink enough water

22 Vital organs such as the heart, brain and kidney need water to work properly

23 Stay away from Fast-Food

24 Try not to do anything else while eating!

25 Don’t skip meals.

26 Personal hygiene is the first step for a good look and healthy life.



29 Besides the importance of handwashing, it’s also essential that we care for our hair, nails and teeth as well.

30 Laugh Loud, Live Long

31 A happy and healthy life is waiting for you :)

32 Our leader, Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK said: “ Healthy mind is in healthy body.”

33 Thank You Multumesc Grazie Obrigado Tesekkürler…

34 Presented by Mervenur Görüs Efekan Dinç Nazilli Anadolu High School

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