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E032004012GNV Orange County Solid Waste Management Facility Southern Expansion Site Project.

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Presentation on theme: "E032004012GNV Orange County Solid Waste Management Facility Southern Expansion Site Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 E032004012GNV Orange County Solid Waste Management Facility Southern Expansion Site Project

2 E032004012GNV Cell 9 65 acres Cell 10 64 acres Cell 11 77 acres Cell 12 82 acres Wet Borrow Pit No.2 Wet Borrow Pit No.1 Pond #8 Pond #6 Pond #5 Pond #7 Pond #9 Pond #10 New Access Road & Entrance Area Wetland Conservation Area (1592 Acres) Upland Conservation Area (447 Acres) Permanently Impacted Wetlands (39.4 Acres) Total Acreage - 288 Total Capacity - 31.4 Million Cubic Yards Permitted Site Plan Cells 9 through 12 Will Provide County With 20 to 25 Years of Class I Disposal Capacity Young Pine Road N

3 E032004012GNV Access Road Cell 9 Site Plan Cell 9 Employee Quarters and Office Scale House Trailer Staging Area General Maintenance Building Tire Repair Shop Pond No. 5 Optional Borrow Area Pond No.6 Leachate Storage Tanks N Aerial View Pointing South

4 E032004012GNV April 17, 2003

5 E032004012GNV July 24, 2003

6 E032004012GNV Sept. 18, 2003

7 E032004012GNV Oct. 24, 2003

8 E032004012GNV Dec. 16, 2003

9 E032004012GNV Feb. 19, 2004

10 E032004012GNV Projected Schedule Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 20022003200420052006 TASK BOC Action on Hubbard Contact Contact Date Final Environmental Permits Issued Gopher Tortoise Re-location Official Notice to Proceed Phase 1 Substantial Completion (Cell 9 Operational) Phase 2 Substantial Completion (Overall Site) Final Completion Prepare Partial Cert. of Construction Completion Report FDEP Partial Cert. of Construction Completion Prepare Final Cert. of Construction Completion Report FDEP Final Cert. of Construction Completion Report Floor Cell 9 Anticipated Fill Cell 7B/8 KEY: Milestone Progress Task External Task

11 E032004012GNV Summary èA New Scale House Will Be Used to Control Access to Cells 9-12 è Continue Using Existing Scale House for Activities on Existing 1,500-acre site è Start-Up of Cell 9 Will Require Concurrent Operations in Cell 9, and Cell 7B/8 è During the Filling of the Class I Cells 9-12, the Following Activities Will Remain At the 1,500-acre site Õ Class III Landfill Õ HHW Facility Õ Recycling Facility Õ Yard Waste Composting Õ Waste Tire Storage Õ Small Vehicle Drop-off

12 E032004012GNV Summary Construction of Cell 9 is Proceeding on Time and on Budget è Changes to date result in slight decrease in contract amount è Contract Time has been increased 9 days because of inclement weather è Construction Progress is approximately one month ahead of schedule

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