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What is Evolution??. Objectives: 1) 1) Define evolution 2) 2) Compare the ideas of Lamarck and Darwin.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Evolution??. Objectives: 1) 1) Define evolution 2) 2) Compare the ideas of Lamarck and Darwin."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Evolution??

2 Objectives: 1) 1) Define evolution 2) 2) Compare the ideas of Lamarck and Darwin

3 I. EVOLUTION A. The biological process by which living things change over time

4 II. Jean Baptiste de Lamarck (1744-1829) A. 1 st to propose that organisms change over time (1809) B. Use and disuse

5 C. Theory of acquired characteristics 1. organisms acquire traits during their lifetime 2. traits you acquire could be passed on to offspring D. Believed organisms evolved toward perfection E. LAMARCK WAS WRONG IN HOW EVOLUTION OCCURS

6 III. Charles Darwin: The Father of Evolution A. Darwin was NOT the first person to propose evolution… B. He did propose a way evolution happens called Natural Selection C. Darwin’s ideas began during his voyage on the HMS Beagle

7 Voyage of the Beagle 1. (1831- 1836) 1. 5 year voyage around the world (1831- 1836) 2. 2. Darwin collected and studied animals and plants from each stop

8 3. Darwin was especially influenced by his findings at the Galapagos Islands off the coast of S. America

9 Green Iguana – S. America Land Iguana - Galapagos Marine Iguana - Galapagos

10 D. Upon his return to England, Darwin spent over 20 years analyzing his findings and working on his theory of HOW evolution occurs 1. Proposed Natural Selection, aka “Survival of the Fittest” 2. 1859 – Darwin publishes “On The Origin of Species”

11 IV. What is a “theory”? A. It is NOT a careless suggestion or reason why things may have happened B. It IS a well-supported, testable explanation of phenomena that occur in the natural world C. What began as hypothesis of how life has changed over time is now supported by a huge body of EVIDENCE

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