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EVOLUTION Accumulation of inherited changes within a population over time.

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Presentation on theme: "EVOLUTION Accumulation of inherited changes within a population over time."— Presentation transcript:

1 EVOLUTION Accumulation of inherited changes within a population over time

2 2 types of evolution Microevolution Macroevolution

3 Pre-Darwinian Ideas Darwin was not 1 st to propose theory of evolution Aristotle (4 th century BC) ◦ Life extended from simple to complex ◦ Imperfect but moving toward perfection ◦ No mechanism for HOW


5 Jean Baptiste de Lamarck (1744-1829) ◦ 1 st to propose that organisms undergo change over time as a result of natural phenomena ◦ Use and disuse ◦ Theory of acquired characteristics ◦ LAMARCK WAS WRONG IN MECHANISM

6 Influences on Darwin Charles Lyell and James Hutton ◦ Earth much older than people thought

7 Voyage of the Beagle – 1831


9 Thomas Malthus Breeders - artificial selection

10 Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection In struggle for survival, favorable traits preserved, unfavorable ones eliminated ◦A◦A daptation Natural Selection – best adapted organisms survive and pass on their traits, population changes over time ◦F◦F itness

11 4 aspects of natural world on which Darwin based his theory: Overproduction Variation Limits on population growth Differential reproductive success

12 What Natural Selection is NOT: Natural Selection is not a CHOICE Natural Selection is NOT BASED ON NEED Natural Selection is not a MUST

13 Modern Synthesis Mendel’s work (1860s) not recognized until 20 th century 1930s-40s – biologists combined Mendelian inheritance with Darwinian Evolution ◦ Mutations are source of variation ◦ Continue to try to understand causal processes of evolution

14 Some new perspectives on Evolution… EvoDevo Epigenetics

15 What is the role of chance?? Chance is probably not much of a factor in natural selection Some scientists think chance plays a more significant role in macroevolution

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