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Math and Algebra 1 CST Proficiency Scores Panorama High School Eddy Mata, Mathematics Instructional Coach.

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Presentation on theme: "Math and Algebra 1 CST Proficiency Scores Panorama High School Eddy Mata, Mathematics Instructional Coach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math and Algebra 1 CST Proficiency Scores Panorama High School Eddy Mata, Mathematics Instructional Coach

2 Problem Analysis Evaluation Problem Identification Intervention Design and Implementation

3  2011 Math CST: 14% of PHS students scored Advanced or Proficient (1 point).  2012 Math CST Target: 21% or more PHS students score Advanced or Proficient(2 points).  2011 Algebra 1 CST: 7% of PHS Algebra 1 students scored Advanced or Proficient(1 point).  2012 Algebra 1 CST Target: 15% or more of PHS students score Advanced or Proficient(2 point). Problem Identification

4 3  238 of the 1661 PHS students(14%) taking Math in the 9 th, 10 th & 11 th grade scored Advanced or Proficient on the 2011 Math CSTs  50 of the 728 PHS students(7%) taking Algebra 1 in the 9 th, 10 th, & 11 th grade scored Advanced or Proficient on the 2011 Math CSTs.  80 Basic Math students are also taking Math Tutorial Lab classes.  Use CST data for analysis of Math Strands  Use Periodic Assessment Data to assess Course Standards Problem Analysis

5 3  Course-alike Quizzes, Finals, Midterms, Chapter Tests and Review Sheets all based on CST format and question type  One full day of CST review will be allocated during each instructional week with a focus on the most assessed standards  CST-based Weekly Quizzes  Full period CST-review 2-weeks before testing  Use CST & Periodic Assessment Data to analyze student needs and adjust Curriculum and Instruction  Math Teachers will identify and conference with students who scored Below Basic on 2011 CST  Weekly Math Cohort Meetings Intervention Design and Implementation

6 3  Math Tutorial Lab Classes(MTL) for Algebra 1 and Geometry  MTL will instruct on a limited number of key areas of need for our students  2 days a week of full instructional review of CST topics during MTL  Full period 3-week CST-review before testing during MTL  2-week after school CST tutoring offered by classroom teachers for their students  Curriculum adjustment and remediation based on math data Intervention Design and Implementation

7  Periodic Assessments  Midterms  Finals  Course-alike Chapter Tests  Weekly Quizzes  Math Tutorial Lab Class Evaluation

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