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Intel ® Teach to the Future Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung Dillingen September 12th 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Intel ® Teach to the Future Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung Dillingen September 12th 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intel ® Teach to the Future Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung Dillingen September 12th 2001

2 2 Education Environment About 720 000 teachers in Germany serving for Secondary School age 11 – 15 (16) Primary School age 6 - 10 High School / Vocational School age 15 (16) - 19 About 1,400 000 students in 34 000 schools

3 3 Educational System Each of the 16 German states (Bundeslaender) is responsible for its own cultural affairs  different school systems  different curriculums  different state of development using new technology in schools (PC / Student from 1:5.... 1:35)  But one „General University Entrance Certificate”: Abitur  and common goals: ICT in all school-types (K -12 / 13) ICT in all subjects ICT in all classrooms

4 4 Intel® Teach to the Future = Common Teacher Training Program in Germany related with all major ICT-Initiatives : D21 (initiative for whole Germany) N21 (Lower-Saxony) E-NRW (North-Rhine-Westphalia) Bayern Online (Bavaria) CidS! (Berlin) etc.

5 5 Structure (Bavaria) 30 Editors 300 Senior Master Teacher 4.500 Master Teacher 60.000 Teacher Regional School Central 2-days introduction 40 hours training 2-days introduction Intel® Teach to the Future

6 6 - Central Teacher Training (Dillingen) - Regional Teacher Training - Local Teacher Training - In-School Teacher Training Dillingen (Bavaria) Intel® Teach to the Future

7 7 Intel® Teach to the Future Implementation Quality Circle Adaptation Teacher Training Classroom Evaluation

8 8 Intel® Teach to the Future Implementation Dissemination Concept Education Fair Contracts with 16 federal governments Teacher Training in 16 federal states (February 2000) (February – June 2000) (until July 2003)

9 9 Intel® Teach to the Future Adaptation must be related to the needs –Target group: teachers less experienced in ICT –Curriculum oriented and relevant contents –Organizational constraints: time, resources  modules (print, cd-rom, internet) Do good things and talk about it –Fair, presentation for decision makers, conferences, public relation work  information and identification Be close to the job -Project based teacher training in school  integration of ICT into the normal work Best Known Methods

10 10 Intel® Teach to the Future Obstacles:  They had no ICT-Training in Pre-Services More than 70 % of the teacher are older than 40 years Age of teacher (Bavaria)

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