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Measures & Time Signatures Brought to you by

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1 Measures & Time Signatures Brought to you by

2 What are measures? Most music is divided into measures. Measures are equal-length sections of music separated by bar lines.

3 What are time signatures? Each measure holds a certain amount of beats. At the beginning of a music piece, there is oftentimes a time signature to identify how many beats are in each measure, and which notes receive 1 beat.

4 Interpreting a Time Signature By interpreting time signatures, we can figure out how many beats are found in each measure, as well as which type of note receives 1 beat. The ability to interpret time signatures can really come in handy when reading music!

5 Interpreting a Time Signature A time signature is set up like this: There is one number on the top… …and another number on the bottom. These numbers are separated by a horizontal line. But what do these numbers mean? 4 4

6 Interpreting a Time Signature The top number indicates the number of beats per measure. The bottom number indicates which note receives 1 beat. 4 4

7 Numbers to Indicate Notes The bottom number in a time signature indicates which notes receive 1 beat. A 4 on the bottom means that a quarter note receives 1 beat. A 2 on the bottom means that a half note receives 1 beat. An 8 on the bottom means that an eighth note receives 1 beat.

8 Interpreting a Time Signature So, if you were to interpret this time signature, you would find this: Each measure has 4 beats. Each quarter note receives a beat. 4 4

9 Common Time Signatures Here are some time signatures commonly found in music: There are others as well, but these are the ones most commonly used. 4 4 3 4 2 2 3 8 6 8

10 Review/ Practice

11 Review Answer the following questions. What is a measure? A measure is a section of music indicated and divided by bar lines. What is a time signature (how is it used)? A time signature indicates how many beats are in each measure as well as which type of notes receives 1 beat.

12 Practice Interpret the following time signatures: There are 4 beats per measure. A quarter note receives 1 beat. 4 4

13 Practice Interpret the following time signatures: There are 3 beats per measure. A quarter note receives 1 beat. 3 4

14 Practice Interpret the following time signatures: There are 2 beats per measure. A half note receives 1 beat. 2 2

15 Practice Interpret the following time signatures: There are 6 beats per measure. An eighth note receives 1 beat. 6 8

16 Practice Interpret the following time signatures: There are 9 beats per measure. An eighth note receives 1 beat. 9 8

17 Congratulations! You are now experts at measures and time signatures!

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