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Scatterplots AP Statistics CH. 7 EQ: How do we graph bivariate data?

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Presentation on theme: "Scatterplots AP Statistics CH. 7 EQ: How do we graph bivariate data?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scatterplots AP Statistics CH. 7 EQ: How do we graph bivariate data?

2 Scatterplots Help to observe relationships between two quantitative variables(we call this describing bivariate data) Should have title, labels, units Can see patterns, trends, relationships, extraordinary values

3 Describing patterns Form-clusters, gaps, curved, linear, etc Strength-weak, strong, spread Direction(association)-positive or negative Unusual features-outliers, data far away from the rest

4 Response Variable (Dependent) Measures an outcome of a study In a scatterplot it goes on the y axis Explanatory/Predictor Variable (Independent) -Attempts to explain the observed outcome -In a scatterplot it goes on the x axis

5 If there is a relationship, tell which is the explanatory and response variables. 1.The amount of time spent studying and the grade on the exam 2.The weight and height of a person. 3.The amount of yearly rainfall and the yield of a crop. 4.Maximum daily temperature and average monthly heating bills.

6 Principles Start with a graph Look for a pattern and deviations Add numerical descriptions Describe the overall pattern briefly

7 The high temperature in degree Fahrenheit and coffee sales (in hundreds of dollars) for a coffee shop for eight randomly selected days. TemperatureCoffee Sales 3226.2 3924.8 5119.7 6020 6513.3 7213.9 7811.4 8111.2

8 A.Tell which variable is explanatory and which is response. B.Graph the scatterplot. Describe it. C. Explain in a sentence what this says about high temperatures and coffee sales.






14 Book P. 164 # 2 Suppose you want to collect data for each pair of variables. You want to make a scatterplot. Which variable would be the explanatory variable and which would be the response variable? Discuss the likely direction, form, and strength. A. T-shirts at a store: price each, number sold B.Skin diving: depth, water pressure C.Skin diving: depth, visibility D.All elementary-school students: weight, score on a reading test

15 p.164 #2 ABCD VE: Price R: # Sold E: Depth R: Water pressure E: Depth R: Visibility E: Weight R: Reading DNegativePositiveNegativePositive UNone FLinear Linear (?)Possibly Linear SModerateStrongWeak to Moderate Moderate ABCD VE: R: E: R: E: R: E: R: D U F S

16 Book P. 164 # 6 Which scatterplot has a.Little or no association b.A negative association c.A linear association d.A moderately strong association e.A very strong association

17 HW P. 164 # 3, 5, 9, 11

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