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Wonders of Chinese Architecture Cultural History.

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1 Wonders of Chinese Architecture Cultural History

2 The Great Wall of China Just under 4000 miles in total length The largest man-made building/structure in the world Actually a series of walls and not simply one large wall Cannot be seen from space

3 The Purposes Border protection from the Mongolians Regulation of trade routes Immigration and Emigration control Observation points

4 The Terracotta Warriors Life-sized soldiers and horses Made from terracotta –A clay-like material baked in a kiln Approximately 8,000 soldiers and over 500 horses Made to protect the tomb of Qin Shi Huang

5 The Army Different types of soldiers –Cavalry, Archers, etc. Eight different face molds were used Heads, arms, legs, and torsos were made separately Were originally painted and carrying weapons

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