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Qin Shi Huang Emperor of China , in china history very great and mysterious the person.

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Presentation on theme: "Qin Shi Huang Emperor of China , in china history very great and mysterious the person."— Presentation transcript:

1 Qin Shi Huang Emperor of China , in china history very great and mysterious the person.

2 Qin Shi Huang Occupation: Emperor of China Reign: 221 BC to 210 BC
Born: 259 BC Died: 210 BC Best known for: First Emperor of China, established the Qin (CHIN) Dynasty

3 Qin Shi Huang Early Life Becoming King Accomplishments A Tyrant
Building a Tomb Death

4 Qin Shi Huang

5 Early Life Born in 259 BC. His father was king of the Qin state.
At the time Zheng was born, China was divided up into 7 major states. States always fought. Warring States period. 

6 Becoming King Zheng was thirteen years old His father died.
Zheng was now king. When he was 22 King Zheng took full control. Very ambitious. Wanted to conquer the other Chinese states and unite China under one rule. 

7 Uniting China Once he had complete control of the state of Qin.
He took them on one by one. Next he took on the powerful Chu state. Once the Chu state was defeated the remaining Yan and Qi states fell easily.  Terracotta has the wisdom, and the military leadership to make him a unified China.

8 Accomplishments Great Wall Weakened the Nobles: took away land
Weakened Teachers and Scholars: Censorship gave most peasants jobs: food or silk built public works projects: buildings, bridges,… created a law code system of standardization: money, weights and measures, language, laws.

9 Tyrant skilled leader and tyrant. Outlawed most forms of religion
Obedient only to the government. Ordered most existing books be burned. Wanted history to begin with his rule. Scholars who did not bring their books to be burned were killed. 

10 Building a Tomb Most famous for his tomb.
700,000 workers constructed his tomb throughout his life. Vast terracotta army of 8,000 soldiers, horses, and chariots that he thought would protect him in the afterlife. 

11 Terracotta

12 Death Died while traveling on a tour of Eastern China in 210 BC.
His second son, Huhai, was on the trip with him. He wanted to become emperor Hid his father's death Forged a letter from his father to his older brother telling him to commit suicide. After his brother killed himself, Huhai became emperor. 

13 Conclusion Today I talked about the emperor's life from birth to death, the emperor's life is very legendary life, there are countless people who worship the emperor's great, there are countless people who disdain the emperor's brutal, but in general, the emperor promoted the development of China, and even the history of the world, the progress made with the help of the world's great contribution. Is a great man.

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