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Presentation on theme: "Meiosis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meiosis

2 Reproduction Why is reproduction important? Asexual Reproduction
Requires 1 parent Single-celled organisms divide into 2 cells (MITOSIS) Examples of organisms that reproduce in this way:

3 Sexual Reproduction Requires 2 parents
Sperm or Egg are called sex cells Examples of organisms that reproduce in this way:

4 Meiosis Cell division that results in sex cells
Egg Sperm Each sex cell has half of the number of needed chromosomes (23) Necessary for sexual reproduction

5 Interphase DNA and organelles duplicate
Major Events Illustration DNA and organelles duplicate Humans – 46 chromosomes become 92

6 Prophase I DNA condenses to form chromosomes
Major Event Illustration DNA condenses to form chromosomes Crossing over- exchange of genetic material

7 Metaphase I Major Events Illustration Homologous chromosome pairs (hold the same genes) line up at the middle of the cell as tetrads

8 Anaphase I Major Events Illustration Homologous chromosomes separate

9 Telophase I Cell begins to pinch and form two cells (cytokinesis I)
Major Events Illustration Cell begins to pinch and form two cells (cytokinesis I)

10 Prophase II Chromosomes and centrosomes appear in each cell
Major Events Illustration Chromosomes and centrosomes appear in each cell

11 Metaphase II Chromosomes line up in the middle of each cell
Major Events Illustration Chromosomes line up in the middle of each cell

12 Anaphase II Sister chromatids are pulled apart Major Events
Illustration Sister chromatids are pulled apart

13 Telophase II Major Events Illustration Two cells split to become 4 cells, each genetically different from the other (cytokinesis II)

14 Mitosis Meiosis # of divisions that take place
# of cells produced as a result Function Location

15 Chromosome Count

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