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Active Languages. Bev Whiteside Development Coordinator - Languages and Sport Youth Sport Trust.

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Presentation on theme: "Active Languages. Bev Whiteside Development Coordinator - Languages and Sport Youth Sport Trust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Languages

2 Bev Whiteside Development Coordinator - Languages and Sport Youth Sport Trust

3 Overall Aims To demonstrate why and how linking languages and PE/Sport can engage and motivate learners To explore how those links are made To experience learning a language through sport Provide an opportunity to discuss ideas in the context of your school and begin action planning

4 What is it about Sport and Physical Education that appeals to young people? What is it about Languages that young people enjoy? Learning together

5 Group and team work Competition Practical learning opportunities Being outside a traditional classroom setting Mentoring and coaching Developing leadership and teamwork skills Communicating with each other Learning about others Examples

6 The Language of Sport

7 Some project ideas

8 Linking with the PE Department Learning about the culture of a country Developing leadership skills Learning and practising Spanish outside the classroom Positive role models Spanish through handball Lymm High School Image area

9 Independent learners Role models Responsibility Communication skills Confidence Reflective learners Foreign Language Leaders Award Bramcote Hills Image area

10 ‘ Meanings that matter’ Links to other curriculum areas Practical learning opportunities Context of sport and health Droitwich Spa Image area

11 How combining Languages and Sport really works

12 Active Sessions

13 Sharing your experiences from the Active Sessions

14 An Introduction to Action Planning

15 Action Planning By the end of this session you will have Decided which target group of young people you will work with and why Discussed and chosen an idea for a project you will develop Begun to complete the action planning document

16 Action Planning Things to consider Target group interests Resources available (staffing, materials, cover, training, facilities etc.) Timescales (start, finish, curriculum time, extra curricular) Sustainability of project (how will you maintain, improve, develop this project) How will you monitor and then evaluate the success of your project? Costs

17 Action Plan School and name(s) What idea(s)/plans do you have to develop this work over the next 12 months? Issues/challenges to consider What support do you think you will need?

18 Timeline By the end of this session Complete the basic action plan Begin to outline your proposal for submission Consider the aspects outlined in the Detailed Action Plan

19 The Language of Sport Available from




23 ‘Sporting Lingo’


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