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FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 [ Empowering e Science across the Mediterranean ] C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16 th 2007 Overview and Status of EUMEDGRID.

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Presentation on theme: "FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 [ Empowering e Science across the Mediterranean ] C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16 th 2007 Overview and Status of EUMEDGRID."— Presentation transcript:

1 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 [ Empowering e Science across the Mediterranean ] C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16 th 2007 Overview and Status of EUMEDGRID Project First Year Report Domenico Vicinanza CERN – IT/GD and DMI-University of Salerno - Italy

2 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 2 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Personal Tasks within EUMEDGRID and CERN IT-GD-ITR/IT-GD-OPS  Member of the SAM (System Availability Monitoring) Team SAM Deployment Responsible for SAM Documentation SAM Support within EUMEDGRID  WISDOM (Wide In Silico Docking On Malaria) test and support within EUMEDGRID  Demo Chair for the First Year Project Review (held in Madrid, Feb. 28 th 2007) Deployment of CODESA-3D and ArchaeoGrid apps  Tutorial organization and tutorial lectures within the EUMEDGRID training for users and site admins  Co-Editor of one project deliverable (D2.2)

3 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 3 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Introduction  EUMEDGRID is a Specific Support Action (SSA) funded under the EU VI Framework Programme.  Started the 1 st of January 2006. 24 months duration.  Technical coordination: INFN (Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics)  14 partners from EU and Non-Member States.  11 beneficiary countries in the Mediterranean  A total effort of 481 Person Months (392 Funded).

4 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 4 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Purposes  It aims to provide in the Mediterranean Region a pilot grid infrastructure for Research, which will be interoperable and compatible with EGEE and with analogous initiatives in the Balkans, North Europe, Latin America and Far-East Asia.  Establish a human network in the Mediterranean about e-Science  Enhance international collaboration of scientists and promote collaboration in other fields

5 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 5 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Participants PartnersThird Parties INFN (Italy) CoordinatorUniversità di Messina – Dipartimento di Matematica (IT) CERN (Switzerland)Dipartimento di Fisica – Università di RomaTre (IT) CYNET (Cyprus)ICTP – (IT) DANTE (UK)CRS4 – (IT) GARR (Italy)IUCC (Inter University Computing Center) – ISRAEL GRNET (Greece)Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Athens, Greece RED.ES (Spain)JUNet, Jordan University of Malta (Malta)PADI2, Palestine CERIST (Algeria) CNRST (Morocco) EUN (Egypt) HIAST (Syria) Laboratoire CRISTAL - Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l'Informatique (TN) MRSTDC (Tunisia) Research Unit of Technologies of Information and Communication - University of Tunis (TN) TUBITAK-ULAKBIM (Turkey)Bilkent University (TR)

6 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 6 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 EUMEDGRID Infrastructure

7 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 7 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Screenshot 11 Med.Countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Cyprus, Malta

8 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 8 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Infrastructure: First Year Achievements Resources:  12 sites (6 from beneficiary countries) 16 CEs (10 from benef. countries) 13 SEs (7 from benef. countries) 7 RBs 1 LFC  750 CPUs  34TB Disk space Tools:  GridICE (  GSTAT (  HGSM (Hierarchical Grid Site Management, it maintains an updated list of human and grid resources)  SAM (  Support System (

9 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 9 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Tools and Resources

10 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 10 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Pilot Infrastructure evolution

11 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 11 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Authentication Infrastructure in EUMEDGRID at the end of the first year CA “catch-all” CA RA under review in preparation CA

12 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 12 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 EUMEDGRID Applications

13 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 13 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Applications: First Year Achievements  Application questionnaire yielded 13 applications from 6 countries (4 applications from Beneficiary Countries)  Deployed applications: Earth-Science (CODESA3D) Archeology/Paleoclimatology (ArcheoGrid) EGEE/WLCG (CMS, Atlas HEP applications)  Participation in WISDOM Malaria Data Challenge (October-December 2006)

14 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 14 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 WISDOM Data Challenge EUMEDGRID Contribution Data Challenge on neglected diseases ran from October 1st to December 15th on several grid infrastructures including EUMEDGRID

15 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 15 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Advantages of the gridification  Both of the applications profited of the “gridification” (the integration within the Grid middleware) mainly because of the large amount of computing power needed to carry out the numerical calculation required by their models (computing intensive applications)  Moreover both CODESA-3D and the ArcheoGrid paleoclimate applications are based on sophisticated numerical models, involving large amount of data, to be properly working

16 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 16 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 CODESA-3D: Introduction  CODESA stands for COupled DEnsity-dependent variably SAturated flow and miscible transport  CODESA-3D is a three-dimensional finite-element simulator allowing the study of water movements in porous media taking into account phenomena as infiltrations/evaporations, recharge/discharge, withdrawal, …  It has been developed by Giuditta Lecca at CSR4, Italy ( within the Hydrology and Water Resource Management

17 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 17 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Seawater intrusion simulation  Within EUMEDGRID, CODESA has been applied to saltwater intrusion problem of coastal aquifers.  Korba aquifer (Tunisia) case-study

18 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 18 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 The GENIUS Interface

19 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 19 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Single job submission CODESA

20 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 20 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Output (2D) Water pressure head with reference to mean sea level at a given horizontal plane (defined by the user z=zfixed). Relative salt concentration dissolved in groundwater at a given horizontal plane.

21 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 21 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Output 3D Relative salt concentration dissolved in groundwater (salt is red; freshwater is blue)

22 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 22 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 ArchaeoGrid: Introduction  One of the aspect of ArchaeoGrid is the investigation of the paleoclimate situation in the Mediterranean Area  This kind of studies are made available within EUMEDGRID using a metereological modelling software called MM5  MM5 allows to create complex atmospheric simulations and it is possibile simulating weather evolution even in the past, putting information describing the ancient enviroment

23 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 23 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 MM5 job submission

24 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 24 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Output The program, thanks to the definition of the horizontal and vertical terrain contours and properties of the ground as elevations, absorption and reflecting capabilities, elaborates the meteorological data. Finally, MM5 generate a forecast of the dynamic and thermodynamic state of the atmosphere

25 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 25 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Conclusions  EUMEDGRID is a step towards the creation of a Mediterranean Grid Infrastructure for e-Science creating a “human network” across the countries.  A pilot infrastructure with 12 sites is already running in the Mediterranean  EUMEDGRID is having a big impact in the development of e- Infrastructures. In particular it is: contributing to reduce the digital divide between the two sides of the Mediterranean; building a community; raising the awareness of new ways of doing (e-)Science;  Paving the way for a long term sustainability of e- Infrastructures in the Region through the constitution of National Grid Initiatives.

26 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 26 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Thanks!

27 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 27 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007

28 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 28 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 EUMEDGRID Infrastructure (GSTAT)

29 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 29 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 EUMEDGRID workpackages (1/2)  WP1 - Project administrative and technical management A1.1: Administrative management A1.2: Technical management  WP2 - Requirements capture and analysis A2.1: Gather and analyse country data A2.2: Study state of the art and propose technical roadmap

30 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 30 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 EUMEDGRID workpackages (2/2)  WP3 - Pilot Infrastructure operational support A3.1: Operational organis. and policy schemes A3.2: Support to middleware deployment and pilot site installations A3.3: Pilot infrastructure operations A3.4: Network resource provision A3.5: Certification authority setup & operations  WP4 - Applications support A4.1: EGEE Applications A4.2: Regional applications support A4.3: Promoting new applications  WP5 - Dissemination and outreach A5.1: Dissemination A5.2: Outreach

31 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 31 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 CERN Efforts for the project (in terms of person-month)  WP1: 0  WP2: 5.5 person-month Study state of the art and propose technical roadmap Deliverable 2.2: “Proposed Technical Roadmaps”  WP3: 6.0 person-month Support to middleware deployment and pilot site installation  WP4: 2.5 person-month Regional and EGEE application support  WP5: 0 source: EUMEDGRID Annex I – Description of Work

32 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 32 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 EUMEDGRID WPs organisation

33 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 33 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Certification Authorities  INFN Certification Authority has accepted to act as a “catch- all” CA to ease and speed up the start-up of users  INFN Registration Authorities have been set up in the following beneficiary countries: CERIST (Algeria), CNRST (Morocco), CYNET (Cyprus), EUN (Egypt), HIAST (Syria), IUGAZA (Palestine), RicerkaNet (Malta), MRSTDC (Tunisia)  Formed CA Managers Group (CAM) Aiming to assist countries to prepare CP/CPS  Morocco published CP/CPS for comments Possibly accredited in the next PMA meeting  Syria almost ready to publish CP/CPS for comments Possibly accredited in the next PMA meeting  Egypt, Palestine, Malta and Tunisia preparing CP/CPS

34 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 34 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Issues, Challenges and Plan  Issues and Challenges: Egypt prefinancing still pending. Many partners are new to EC projects/rules, need for specific admin tutorials. Tunisia is not connected via the EUMEDCONNECT  Plan for 2007: Enlarge collaboration – firstly with Alexandria Library Increase number of NGIs Increase site availability & usability Expand the long term authentication infrastructure (CAs) in the Region. Rank, deploy and support new applications Transfer core services and ROC operations to Malta & Cyprus. Dissemination: arabic version of the website

35 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 35 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Preliminary Feedback  Relevance of policy work  Highly appreciated the NGIs creation  Technical objectives are going to be met at the end of the project by continuing with this kind of commitment.  Application selection criteria should be aligned and clarified.  Chosen applications should have the potential to raise the interest of the politicians.  Applications may be of interest to the industry. Other sections (eg engineering, biomed, etc) need to be added

36 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 36 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 NGI status  Morocco: recognized by ministry  Algeria: recognized by ministry under CNRST umbrella  Tunisia: recognized by ministry  Egypt: NGI planning stage  Syria: preliminary contact at ministry level  Jordan: planning stage, contact with government and funding agencies  Cyprus: planning stage, problem to reach the critical mass, tentative launch date 2007

37 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026024 37 C5 Meeting – CERN – March 16th 2007 Plans  Enlarge collaboration – firstly with Alexandria Library  Increase number of National Grid Initiatives  Increase site availability & usability  Expand the long term authentication infrastructure (CAs) in the Region.  Rank, deploy and support new applications  Transfer core services and ROC operations to Malta & Cyprus.  Dissemination: arabic version of the EUMEDGRID website

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