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NT1209 Workshop – Effective Chapter Operations (For the purpose of this workshop, the house divides into groups. Each group is made up of a FR and his.

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Presentation on theme: "NT1209 Workshop – Effective Chapter Operations (For the purpose of this workshop, the house divides into groups. Each group is made up of a FR and his."— Presentation transcript:

1 NT1209 Workshop – Effective Chapter Operations (For the purpose of this workshop, the house divides into groups. Each group is made up of a FR and his chapter presidents. Please have the chapter presidents fill out this questionnaire before the zonal training. Each chapter president shares his perceptions of the effectiveness of his chapter operations in his group, with the FR moderating.) To what extent do these activities intentionally and regularly occur in your chapter? SPIRITUAL: NeverRarelyFairly Very WellExcellent services of experienced members, especially for the position of president 12 1.Calls for salvation at meeting12345 2.Calls for baptism in the Holy Spirit at Meetings1234 5 3.Calls for healing at meetings12345 4.More calls for support of FGBMFI Ministries and other spiritual needs1234 5 5.Trained spiritual counselors at meetings12345 OPERATIONAL: 1.The use of written agenda12345 2.Distribute FGBMFI materials12345 3.Start all meetings promptly (within ten Minutes of published time)1234 5 4.Besides call routinely for offerings, Take time to explain the purpose (need) For offerings1234 5 5.Officers regularly attend members Meetings1234 5 6.Have a greater attendance at Headquarters sponsored ALTS and ELTS training programs1234 5 7.Utilize as much as possible the 345

2 MARKETING: g.Advertising from FGBMFI theme and promo messages12345 6.Encourage involvement in FGBMFI Ministries 1.An active membership committee12345 2.Discuss benefits of membership with Potential members1234 5 3.Public induction of new members12345 4.Host for each table during meetings12345 5.Use promotions and FGBMFI materials Extensivelyfor meetings12345 a.Invitations12345 b.Mail meeting announcements12345 c.Sign-up cards/welcome cards12345 d.Encourage busy business to attend12345 e.Follow-up reminders of meetings12345 f. film Use Headquarter’s membership etc. 12345 7. a.Voice literature distribution12345 b.O verseas’ airlifts12345 c.World outreach12345 d.Prison outreach12345 Promote attendance at FGBMFI activities a.LocalLocal12345

3 LEADERSHIP: 1.Delegate specific responsibility for Activities supporting meetings 3.International Directors and Field Representatives initiate regular and Frequent visits to all chapters 12345 OTHER KEY SUCCESS FACTORS: 1.Make conscious, specific action to reduce 2.Focus sponsorship efforts on persons who fit the successful target audience profile 12345 3.Focus new chapter efforts on areas where b.Regional12345 c.National12345 Persons who fit the target audience profile are Located 12345 KEYS TO SUCCESS FACTORS 1.What three success factors are producing the greatest results to your chapter? a.Prayer12345 b.Counseling12345 2.President takes personal interest in and Attends: a.Members Meetings12345 b.Chapter Meetings12345 c.Functions12345 Any impression of leadership cliques (e.g., officers As a host at each table, greater effort to be present Individually at and/or identified with members Projects etc)12345

4 2.What three success factors do you intend to strengthen (i.e. do more effectively)? 3.What success factors are you not implementing that you intend to discuss with your Executive Committee as a result of this analysis? 4.Define a successful chapter: “COMMIT THY WORKS UNTO THE LORD, AND THY THOUGHTS SHALL BE ESTABLISHED” (PROVERBS 16:3) GOAL VISIONVISION SCRIPTURE TO SUBSTANTIATE


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