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Published byDiane James Modified over 9 years ago
September 1, 2015 Retail Market Subcommittee Update to COPS Kathy Scott September 9, 2015 1
NPRR711–RMS Voting Recommendation: NPRR711, Increase the Interval Data Recorder Meter Mandatory Install Requirement from 700 kW/kVA to 1.5 MW/MVA (Vote) ◦ This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) increases the Interval Data Recorder (IDR) Meter mandatory installation requirement from 700 kW/kVA to1.5 MW/MVA. In stakeholder discussions during the joint RMS/COPS IDR Meter Protocol Requirement Threshold Workshops, there were concerns expressed regarding the elimination of the mandatory IDR Meter threshold. ◦ 06/02/15 RMS : RMS unanimously directed Workshop leadership to submit Draft NPRR to PRS Revision Request Listserv for number assignment and 21 day comment period. ◦ 09/01/15 RMS: Update ONLY– this NPRR is still “Tabled” at PRS and at this time there were no additional TIEC comments available for RMS to review, discuss or exercise RMS’ voting consideration. TIEC reached out to both Oncor (C. Rowley) and CNP (RMS Chair) in an effort to assist them in understanding what issues that NPRR711 is resolving. September 9, 2015RMS Update to COPS2
Sharyland’s (SU) CIS Upgrade Sharyland’s CIS Upgrade Planned Outage 9/30/15 Update ◦ CIS upgrade is in preparation of AMS implementation. No change in EDI provider. ◦ EDI outage Wednesday 9/30 @ 5:00pm to Sunday 10/4 @ 7:00pm (2 business days) ◦ Items NOT affected by outage - Phone, Email, MarkeTrak, Switch Hold FTP site ◦ Orders received prior to the EDI outage will be scheduled and worked. Delays in follow-up transactions (i.e. initial read, 650 response, etc.). ◦ Transactions will not be held once outage begins. Request made to re-send any transactions which fail to be delivered. ◦ Move-In (MVIs) and Reconnects for Non-Payment (RNPs) – Follow standard Safety Net process. ◦ If transactions can be held until completion of outage, please do so. If not, use below work-a- rounds: Move-Outs (MVOs) and Disconnects for Non-Payments (DNPs) – use Safety Net spreadsheet and mailbox. Include transaction type in subject line (i.e. MVO or DNP etc.). Switch – Recommend to hold and send these requests following the planned outage. Switch Holds – Send via email to Safety Net mailbox. Include description in subject line (i.e. Switch Hold Add/Remove etc.) Billing/Usage – Cycles 1-4 scheduled to bill on Oct 1 st /2 nd will bill on Oct 5th. Late fees will be waived. ◦ June Flight 0215 testing was carried out in new CIS environment. ◦ Emergency contact during outage: 800-442-8688 (972-352-3049 weekend). September 9, 2015RMS Update to COPS3
August Meeting Highlights: ◦ SMT patching activities complete 5 consecutive weekends…7/5 – 8/2 ◦ First monthly patch maintenance starts on 9/20 ◦ Routine monthly maintenance on 3 rd Sunday of each month ◦ Disaster recovery exercise occurred 8/21-8/22 and 8/28 & 8/29…no issues ◦ Revisions to the AMWG Change Request Process underway and review scheduled for Sept. 22 nd meeting. September 9, 2015RMS Update to COPS4 Advanced Metering Working Group (AMWG)
September 9, 2015 09/01/15 RMS: ◦ AMWG Change Requests 2015-041 (Vote) (RMS Approved 08/04/2015) Allow enrollment for new customer 12 month history for RORs and 3rd parties Cost Estimate: $40-$60K 09/01/15 RMS Discussion and Vote: Motion to “Table” and refer back to AMWG for more discussion/clarification, to determine if this Change Request includes REP of Records or does it only apply to 3rd parties requesting 12 months of usage data and also re-examine cost estimate for accuracy. Motion to Table was Unanimously Approved. RMS Update to COPS5
SMT Help Desk Calls 971 (+209) SMT Help Desk Tickets865 (+162) ◦ Residential = 768 (+187) GUI access issues = 292 (+109) Registration issues = 268 (+23) SMT Registered Users (Res) 60,065 (+1,173) ESIs in SMT 7,048,982 (+16,462) Active Meters in SMT 6,977,964 (+16,441 ) SMT Statistics for July 2015 6 September 9, 2015
Energy Data Agreements 249 (+125) ◦ AEPN = 1; CNP = 59; Oncor = 189 HAN Device Agreements 389 (+1) HAN Devices 9,471 (-31) 3 rd Parties Registered @ SMT 66 (+1) REPs Registered @ SMT 98 (NC) On Demand Reads ◦ Customers 4,510 ◦ REPs 21 ◦ 3 rd Party 2 SMT Statistics for July 2015 7 September 9, 2015
MarkeTrak Taskforce (MTTF) 09/01/15 RMS: Reviewing Draft RMGRR- Clarification of Inadvertent Gain Valid/Invalid Reject Reasons To minimize confusion of valid reject reasons to improve the resolution time for Inadvertent Gain processing. Reviewing Inadvertent Gain Reporting – Impacts by REP Reviewed current reporting metrics provided by ERCOT to RMS of top 10 REPs, their IAG impacts by volume Also desire visibility into percentage of IAGs & IALs to overall transactions by REP Creating buckets by # enrollments low, medium, and high Accompanied with respective percentages Represented graphically Review and finalize format of reports with recommendation to RMS September 9, 2015RMS Update to COPS8
Texas Data Transport Working Group (TDTWG) 09/01/15 RMS: ◦ ERCOT presented 2015 Q2 Performance Measures Comparison.pptx Comparison.pptx ◦ Discussed ERCOT Retail Test Environment (SCR786) SCR786 Impact Analysis continues to be “Tabled” at PRS for ERCOT to perform further evaluation of the IA, as well as, provide possible alternatives to help reduce or mitigate additional implementation costs. On August 18, 2015 ERCOT discussed their Retail Test environment alternative options with TDTWG, which required TX SET to take on an action item to discuss market impacts with if the SIM Date is eliminated from the Certification Testing environment. Next steps: ERCOT planned to bring both the “full” Impact Analysis (IA) and a possible “alternative” Impact Analysis to both TDTWG and RMS for recommendations. ERCOT will continue to work through TDTWG to resolve any questions or issues as they arise during their IA process. September 9, 2015RMS Update to COPS9
Texas Data Transport Working Group (TDTWG) 09/01/15 RMS: ◦ During the July MarkeTrak Taskforce meeting leadership, as well as, Market Participants expressed a need for the MarkeTrak tool have a place within the responsibility of a standing ERCOT stakeholder ‘working group.’ The recommendation is to change the name to Texas Data Transport & MarkeTrak Systems Working Group (TDTMS). RMS Unanimously Approved the recommendation and the new name is Texas Data Transport and MarkeTrak Systems (TDTMS) Scope, Procedures and other supporting documentation will be updated to include this new working group name under RMS. September 9, 2015RMS Update to COPS10
Retail Market Training Taskforce (RMT TF) ◦ Retail Market 101 Training Draft outline complete Strong emphasis on the general basics for the Retail Market including… ERCOT Governance process Retail Market Processes (including TX SET) Retail Market systems Note! Details will be included in separate Modules Timeline for completion and roll out – Jan 2016 ◦ MarkeTrak Web-based Training and Available “Now” MarkeTrak Overview ----Complete! Switch Hold Removal ---Complete! Cancels- with & without Approval----Complete! ERCOT Learning Management System (LMS) ERCOT Learning Management System (LMS) September 9, 2015RMS Update to COPS11
ERCOT’s Updates! Retail Price Responsive/Demand Response Update ◦ Highlight: ERCOT’s Report reflects the market received 32,000 MW of load reduction through Demand Response (DR) initiatives. esponsiveLoadERCOT_090115RMS.ppt esponsiveLoadERCOT_090115RMS.ppt ERCOT External Web Services Secure Sockets Layer Certificate Update ◦ On September 2, 2015, between 11:25 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. CPT, ERCOT successfully updated an expiring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate that is required for programmatic access to ERCOT’s External Web Services (EWS) Application Programmatic Interface (API) Outreach and posting of REP Postcard name and 1 (800) number to ERCOT website ◦ ERCOT will be reaching out to Retailers to determine the appropriate 35 character name that should be provided on the Switch post cards and to verify and/or correct Retailers 1-800 phone number. September 9, 2015RMS Update to COPS12
Joint RMS/WMS Workshop II: Save the DATE: ◦ “ Improving 3 rd Party Access to Smart Meter Texas” October 16, 2015 Workshop II – WORKSHOPS WORKSHOPS September 9, 2015RMS Update to COPS13 ERCOT Austin Room 206 7620 Metro Center Dr. Austin, TX 78744 WebEx Conference Teleconference: 877-668-4493 Meeting number: 624 257 839 Meeting password: SMT
Questions? 14September 9, 2015RMS Update to COPS
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