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1 Review of Standard Tools Mark E. Sampson UPDATED 12/20/04 EMIS 8390 Systems Engineering Tool—applying tools to engineering systems.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Review of Standard Tools Mark E. Sampson UPDATED 12/20/04 EMIS 8390 Systems Engineering Tool—applying tools to engineering systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Review of Standard Tools Mark E. Sampson UPDATED 12/20/04 EMIS 8390 Systems Engineering Tool—applying tools to engineering systems

2 2 Standard Desktop Tools …according to a time & motion study by TI, Systems Engineers spend 50% of their time writing documents, 25% of their time re-entering the same information in different locations, 14% of their time futzing (technical term for getting documents to print correctly), and 30% of their time in meetings,… …you’ll notice it adds up to greater than 100% due to average SE workweek of 60+ hours One of the fundamental purposes of Tools is to accelerate your job. [Sampson 1994]

3 3 Keeping the architect ahead of construction crews …analysis by TI, Gartner, and others shows 50% of programs go runaway. Standish claims the majority of those are caused by a failure to define, deliver, and keep-up-with requirements. Runaway’s are characterized by late cycle changes, heroic integration efforts, …, and “architects documenting what the construction crews are building” rather than leading the way. …lack of direction/leadership increases probability of a runaway. Goal of tools is to keep the architect ahead of construction crew…it’s the carrot [Sampson 1994]

4 4 Why documents… Given the amount of time spent on documents, it’s easy to get confused about what the systems engineering product is… …a document? Or a design? A discussion about wheelbarrows. DESIGN SPEC.

5 5 Documents…a means of conveying design decisions Tools are used to accelerate the capture and delivery of design information. Documents are one way to do that. Upside of documents: Codify the design Communication Culturally acceptable How you get paid The downside of documents: Paper based baselines & management systems No body reads them Obsolete by the time you print them Give you a good feeling about project if documents are on schedule DESIGN SPEC.

6 6 Standard Desktop Tools—Word Processors Word, Word Perfect, Framemaker, Interleaf, and other intelligent word processors Simple: Word, Word Perfect,…for reports, documents,… Complex: Framemaker, Interleaf…books, etc. Using Field codes/references tagging as a database Example: Vitalink using Framemaker with tags… Page formatting languages (ROF with tagging)

7 7 Standard Desktop Tools--Spreadsheets Excel and other spreadsheets… Macros Visual Basic Spreadsheet based systems engineering Embedded applications… Crystal Ball Matlab SAS Risk Managers

8 8 Standard Desktop Tools--Presenters Powerpoint and other presentation tools… “Powerpoint engineering” Visual Basic Animations

9 9 Standard Desktop Tools--Databases Relational: like Access, Paradox,…Oracle Object: ObjectStore, Versant,… “Systems Engineers love to roll-their-own” “Vast majority of requirements/traceability is held in Access” Combine word processor with database: Example: Rational Requisite Pro

10 10 Standard Tools—Yellow Sticky Notes Post-it ® Sticky Notes How used… Brainstorming… example from class or my choosing Organizing information Decomposition … Electronic version:

11 11 Class SE Environment UGS/SMU is making available… Teamcenter Requirements and Teamcenter Community for class usage… Why Teamcenter? Freely-available for students Web-based tools for lifecycle collaboration… Short-learning curves You can use whatever tools are available to you…including Word, Excel, Access, etc. Assignments are delivered in electronic form (see assignment requirements)

12 12 Product Lifecycle Process

13 13 Product Lifecycle Process

14 14 Integrating the VOC with the Lifecycle…

15 15 Some of TcR’s user extensible building blocks... Building Blocks are used to build things--products, organizations, test systems, processes, etc. Requirements capture the intent of the product design, goals, performance objectives--what you are going to verify & how you know you are done. Folders for organizing information—Requirements, issues, etc.. Notes provide a project notebook for documenting decisions, action items, critical issues, test results, etc.

16 16 We use these building blocks to capture systems... Car Engine Trans- mission Clutch Block Fuel System Electrical Power Train Body Technical Performance Targets Requirements Links These blocks can be connected like “tinker toys” to describe things like this vehicle... Notes Block Fuel System

17 17 Requirements Pool Regulations Standards Customer Spec’s Customer Inputs Meetings Technology PR’s Lessons Learned Design Spec’s Test Doc’s Web Doc’s User Doc’s Organizing Requirements TcR Overview Why’s Doc’s

18 18 Goal…apply/reuse managed data in early product development PDM Data Mgmt Integrating Systems Engineering & Requirements with Teamcenter Regulations Standards Customer Spec’s Customer Inputs Meetings Technology PR’s Lessons Learned TcR Early Prod. Design

19 19 TcR Demo

20 20 TcRequirements/TcCommunity Configuration Requirements TcRequirement/TcCommunity connect existing desktop tools to a multiuser database to create a collaborative SE environment…I.e. when a user double clicks on a requirement, it launches Word to edit the requirement TcRequirements requires: Standard PC running Windows 2000+ MS Office 2000, XP, 2003 (preferred) Web access with standard web browser (MS IE 5.5+) Pointing web browser at server, installs Java applet, and starts… LMCO firewalls have some issues…see Community site for installation instructions

21 21 TcRequirements Access Browser Access: Userid: se2team1… 1.Pick an administrator… 2.Establish access for team members 3.Try it out from home

22 22 TcCommunity Demo Provides: Online, web-based collaboration Discussion threads, white boards, etc. Document repository, CM,… Application sharing,… Routing/Approvals… Course Assignment Status

23 23 TcCommunity Access Browser Access: spx 1.Userid’s have already been established…first initial, last name 2.Login, change your access 3.Try it out from home start loading your documents there…

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