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1 BY: SAMANTHA FEHLMan, katelyn
The bobcat BY: SAMANTHA FEHLMan, katelyn

2 The Bobcat by: Samantha Fehlman, Katelyn Gierhart
Table of Contents Paragraph 1: Introductory paragraph Paragraph 2: Physical description Paragraph 3: Locomotion Paragraph 4: Diet/Food Chain Paragraph 5: Habitat Paragraph 6: Adaptations Paragraph 7: Life Cycle Paragraph 8: Species Survival Status Paragraph 9: Behavior Paragraph 10: Conclusion Glossary Bibliography

3 INTRODUCTION This report will be about the bobcat and all of its adaptations, locomotion, diet, food chain, life cycle, behavior, and a lot more. I certainly hope you will enjoy this report.

4 Physical description The bobcat { lynx rufus } can live up to 12 years old in the wild. However, in captivity they can live up to 25 years old. The bobcats fur is a brownish red with a blacked tip tail. It can also live up to be 2-3 feet long and pounds

5 locomotion The bobcat is fast-moving. That means it moves very fast. The bobcat is fast-moving because it has strong back legs that can help it pounce on its prey. The bobcat is not always fast-moving. Sometimes, the bobcat is stealthy so it can catch its prey easily.

6 diet/ food chain The bobcat eats multiple animals, such as birds, rabbits, mice, and squirrels. You might think that the bobcat is at the top of its food chain . Wrong! The bobcat is eaten by moutain lion, or coyote if it gets the chance

7 Habitat The bobcat lives throughout North America except parts of California. It lives in all of Nevada’s forests, suburban areas, and deserts. They also can live in warm and cold climates.

8 adaptations The bobcat’s strong back legs help it pounce on its prey easily. It is also camouflaged. It is camouflaged because of the black spots.. The spots help the bobcat blend in to its surroundings.

9 Bobcats mate in late March or early May
After 9-12 months the pups are born The pups spend 5-9 months to learn how to hunt for food Become teens Become adults Life cycle The bobcat’s life cycle starts with the bobcats mating in late March or early April. Then after the 9-12 months, the pups are born and they spend 5-9 months with their mother learning how to learn to hunt for their own food. When the pups can take care of themselves the leave their mother and become adults. Then the cycle starts all over again.

10 Species survival status
The bobcat is being killed a lot by of hunters. Sometimes it is for fun. Other times it is for the fur pelts. The fur pelts are used to make coats, rugs, blankets, and vests.

11 behavior The bobcat is related to the Canada lynx. The bobcats tail is what gave it its name because the tail is bobbed at the very end of the tail. The bobcat is nocturnal. That means it is active at night. It is nocturnal so it can not be eaten by its predators.

12 CONCLUSION This concludes my report about the bobcat and its description, habitat, locomotion, diet/food chain, adaptations, life cycle, survival status, and behavior.

13 glossary lynx rufus-bobcat rodent- any of an order of relatively small mammals nocturnal- active at night

14 Bibliography

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