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Regional Meeting July, 10 2008.  VAPP began to meet July 2004.  Identifying needs, problems and solutions to “build sustainable communities” in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Meeting July, 10 2008.  VAPP began to meet July 2004.  Identifying needs, problems and solutions to “build sustainable communities” in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Meeting July, 10 2008

2  VAPP began to meet July 2004.  Identifying needs, problems and solutions to “build sustainable communities” in the region  Focus of the informal, self-appointed group concerned and interested in the Valley-Adams County region

3  Regional Economic Development Strategic Plan, funded by a USDA Rural Business Opportunity Grant  Brings together the work of VAPP and the needs and desires of the Region’s communities.  This plan focuses on collaborative problem solving and calls for coordination, cooperation and communication between the local and state and federal partners to achieve a identified goal

4  Local, state, federal and private partners coordinating and collaborating to maximize the economic development opportunities occurring in the Valley/Adams County region and at the same time providing a place where residents and newcomers enjoy living and recreating; a place they can afford to live, to work and conduct business. Source: Executive Summary pg. i

5 Identified in Executive Summary  To engage all the communities, the Counties and the state, federal and local partners to develop an action plan for growth;  To develop a system/method to work together for solutions to development problems/issues;  To capitalize on this opportunity to build a sustainable economy by creating a community environment that leads to investment in business and industry, and thus job creation, which supports the visitor industry;

6  To identify firms to locate or expand into the area that compliment and support the current employment base and that fill gaps in that base;  To provide an environment that does not force the current residents or businesses to leave the area because of escalating cost of living and cost of doing business;  To provide a model of intergovernmental- interagency cooperation for other areas impacted by unexpected, rapid growth. The model will also be useful to areas with the reverse problem, a downsizing in the local economy or experiencing a fundamental structural change in the economy.

7 1.Community Housing 2.Growth Management Land Use and Capital Improvement Planning 3.Transportation, multi-modal 4.Ensuring a Balanced Economy Business development 5.Adequate and Skilled Work Force 6.Public Health and Safety  Within each of the Focus Areas is a description of the Valley/Adams Region’s position, goals and strategies. The goals and strategies are designed to be action-oriented, thereby yielding desired outcomes

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