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Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter …. Lesson 1 – General Introduction Outline Of 1st Peter  SALVATION : Attainment Of Believers 1:1 – 2:10  SUBMISSION.

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1 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter …


3 Lesson 1 – General Introduction Outline Of 1st Peter  SALVATION : Attainment Of Believers 1:1 – 2:10  SUBMISSION : Appeal To Believers 2:11 – 3:12  SUFFERING : Attitude & Actions Of Believers 3:13 – 5:14

4 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 Arming Ourselves For This Purpose 4:1-6  Saints’ refusal brings reproaches v. 4  We are “not surprised” at the world’s actions re: sinful behavior 4:12  The world “is surprised” when we refuse to go along with them in sin  Results in them “speaking evil”

5 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 Arming Ourselves For This Purpose 4:1-6  Saints’ refusal brings reproaches vv. 5-6  We are “not surprised” at the world’s actions re: sinful behavior 1 Jn 3:13  We are “not surprised” when we undergo the “fiery trial” re: our faith 1 Pet 4:12

6 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 Arming Ourselves For This Purpose 4:1-6  Saints’ refusal brings reproaches vv. 5-6  Yet, the world “is surprised” when we refuse to go along with them re: sin  Thus, they “speak evil” & “judge” us  However, God will judge them for their sinful lifestyle

7 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 Arming Ourselves For This Purpose 4:1-6  Saints’ refusal brings reproaches vv. 5-6  Even if saints are “judged according to men in the flesh,” saints still “live according to God in the spirit”

8 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “While We Suffer…” 4:7-11  Sort of an “interlude” in the context  “The end of all things is at hand…” v. 7a  What we should be doing NOW … vv. 7b-11 “Be of sound judgment & sober spirit for the purpose of prayer” v. 7b

9 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “While We Suffer…” 4:7-11  Sort of an “interlude” in the context  “The end of all things is at hand…” v. 7a  What we should be doing NOW … vv. 7b-11 “Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another…love covers sins.” v. 8

10 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “While We Suffer…” 4:7-11  Sort of an “interlude” in the context  “The end of all things is at hand…” v. 7a  What we should be doing NOW … vv. 7b-11 “Be hospitable to one another without complaint.” v. 9 cp. Acts 2:46b

11 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “While We Suffer…” 4:7-11  Sort of an “interlude” in the context  “The end of all things is at hand…” v. 7a  What we should be doing NOW … vv. 7b-11 “Employ (your gift) in serving one another as good stewards of God’s grace.” v. 10

12 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “While We Suffer…” 4:7-11  Sort of an “interlude” in the context  “The end of all things is at hand…” v. 7a  What we should be doing NOW … vv. 7b-11 “Speak as the oracles of God...serve by the strength of God…that He is glorified.” v. 11

13 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “Sharing The Sufferings Of Christ” 4:12-19  We “follow” Him 2:21-25 3:17-18 4:1  We also “share” His sufferings Rom 8:17 2 Cor 1:5 4:10 Phil 3:10  Because the world hated Him, we also suffer because we are His disciples Jn 15:18-19

14 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “Sharing The Sufferings Of Christ” 4:12-19  Disciples must “not think it (our suffering) strange” v. 12 1 Jn 3:13  “Fiery ordeals” = our “testing” 1:6-7  Rather than bemoan mistreatment, we are to “rejoice” v. 13a Mt 5:10-12 Acts 5:40-41

15 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “Sharing The Sufferings Of Christ” 4:12-19  True “rejoicing with exultation” will come at the final revelation of Christ v. 13b  The “Spirit of glory and of God” rests upon those who are reviled v. 14 [a sense of Divine approval]

16 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “Sharing The Sufferings Of Christ” 4:12-19  Suffering God doesn’t approve v. 15 (and for which we shouldn’t “rejoice”)  Previously taught 2:20a  Suffering for murder or theft  Suffering for doing evil (criminal behavior) 2:12, 14 Jn 18:30

17 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “Sharing The Sufferings Of Christ” 4:12-19  Suffering God doesn’t approve v. 15 (and for which we shouldn’t “rejoice”)  Suffering as a “busy-body” (meddler)  Behavior we don’t usually deem as serious as the other 3 listed  Obviously, God thinks differently

18 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “Sharing The Sufferings Of Christ” 4:12-19  Suffering God does approve v. 16 (and for which we should “rejoice”)  Previously taught 2:20b, 21-25  Suffering “as a Christian” unashamedly  We “…glorify God in that name”

19 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “Sharing The Sufferings Of Christ” 4:12-19  Such sufferings = “judgment” v. 17a  In that it proves our character 1:6-7  It “begins with the house of God” v. 17b  What of those who “don’t obey the gospel?” vv. 17b-18 Prov 11:31 cp. 1:22-25

20 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter …

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