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Substance Abuse Smoking 10/13/09. Trivia Game Split the class into two groups Each group will ask the other ten trivia questions Let’s see what we know.

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Presentation on theme: "Substance Abuse Smoking 10/13/09. Trivia Game Split the class into two groups Each group will ask the other ten trivia questions Let’s see what we know."— Presentation transcript:

1 Substance Abuse Smoking 10/13/09

2 Trivia Game Split the class into two groups Each group will ask the other ten trivia questions Let’s see what we know about smoking!!!

3 What is in a Cigarette?  Tobacco, which contains nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide  4000 other chemicals

4 What is in a Cigarette?  Nicotine Increases blood pressure Curbs appetite and slows digestion Highly addictive Is a stimulant and then a depressant  Tar Cancer causing element Dark and Sticky substance Major cause of bronchitis and emphysema Causes yellowing of the teeth

5 How Harmful is the Tar in a Cigarette?  The amount of tar an average smoker inhales in a year is astonishing.  Lungs are Like Sponges Lungs are Like Sponges  Still want to smoke? Still want to smoke?

6 TIPS Think, Ink, Pair, Share  Why do young people smoke?  What are some of the harmful effects of smoking?  What reasons would you give for not smoking?

7 Why do Young People Smoke?  Peer Pressure  Rebellion  Curiosity  To be “cool”  Environment  To Look Mature  Media Influence-Idol or role model smokes  Are these good reasons??  Article- Waiting to Inhale

8 Smoking Affects the Entire Body  Lungs  Heart and Blood Vessels  Digestive System  Brain and Eyes  Mouth and Throat  Reproductive System

9 Lungs  Healthy lungs allow an easy transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide  Healthy lungs trap dust in mucous-moved out by the help of cilia  Tobacco kills cilia  Tobacco damages the lining of the lung- makes them thick, black and scarred  Much more difficult to breath

10 Heart and Blood Vessels  Constricts blood vessels, increasing BP  Formation of blood clots  Hardening of the arteries  Leads to heart attack, irregular heart rate, coronary heart disease

11 Affects Cont’d  Weakens stomach lining, produces ulcers  Stroke, Cataracts (blindness)  Damages immune system, gum disease, cancer of the mouth and lips  Increased risk of cervical cancer, difficulties with pregnancy-stillborn, low birth weight, premature baby

12 Things to Think About  The only smoking ads on TV today are anti- smoking  We are much more educated now  Smoking laws are increasingly more strict  Over 70% of people who start want to quit  Cigarette labels  Ask yourself, would you want your friend or partner to smoke?

13 The Cost of Smoking  One pack of cigarettes cost $  Calculate how much that is in a week(x7)  A month (above amount x 4)  A year (above amount x 12)  25 years (above amount x 25)  How much could you have?? How much could you have??

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