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Counseling Those Who Are Living With Guilt What is guilt? Aitia means the grounds, cause, reason, charge or motive for guilt Scriptures Questions to ask:

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Presentation on theme: "Counseling Those Who Are Living With Guilt What is guilt? Aitia means the grounds, cause, reason, charge or motive for guilt Scriptures Questions to ask:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Counseling Those Who Are Living With Guilt What is guilt? Aitia means the grounds, cause, reason, charge or motive for guilt Scriptures Questions to ask:  What are the grounds for your guilt?  What would you point to?  What would others point out?  What reasons would you suggest for this guilt?

2 Eleychoo means to bring to light, expose, set forth, convict, convince and provide evidence for aitia Scriptures Questions to ask What evidence can you provide? What specific facts would someone point to? Where in Scriptures do you believe you have trespessed?

3 Enochos means liability, deserving of a penalty in keeping with the charge and evidence GUILT is exposing someone’s actions, identifying the reasons and assessing an appropriate punishment to restore the offender to God and his fellow man.

4 How Do People Cope With Guilt? Genesis 3 People cover up their guilt People hide from their guilt People avoid their guilt People blame others for their guilt

5 Results from Failure to Respond Biblically to Guilt Intellectual suicide Moral suicide Social suicide Emotional suicide Spiritual suicide

6 What the Bible Says About Guilt People may produce guilt in the lives of others through manipulative tactics in order to control the person. God can use people to produce guilt in the lives of others by using the Word of God for the sole purpose of restoration.

7 It is the Holy Spirit who convicts of sin and the human mind interacts with this convicting work to produce guilt. Guilt is a direct result of sinful actions Guilt must be acknowledged before God grants forgiveness People bare unnecessary guilt because of disbelief

8 God has graciously provided the appropriate sacrifice for guilt YOU can live guilt free Guilt may continue, even after the person has confessed, because repentance is incomplete, and the person continues to hid sin

9 Biblical Procedure Biblically identify the sin Teach the person that it is sin Teach the person Biblical repentance Biblical confession Biblical contrition of heart Biblical forsaking Biblical restitution Biblical perspective (facts vs. feelings)

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