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Class 2 Probability Theory Discrete Random Variables Expectations.

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Presentation on theme: "Class 2 Probability Theory Discrete Random Variables Expectations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class 2 Probability Theory Discrete Random Variables Expectations

2 Introduction to Probability A probability is a number between 0 and 1 inclusive that measures the likelihood of the occurrence of an event. Given an event, E, we will write the probability of E as P{E} or Pr{E}. One early notion of probability came from the observation of relative frequencies of events that occurred from replication of some process (like rolling dice).

3 Outcome Spaces Another perspective on probabilities comes from the notion of an outcome space. Consider all possible outcomes (events) of an experiment. Example: Consider the experiment performed by throwing a die and looking at the top surface. What is the outcome space? What is the P{3}? P{odd number}?

4 Applying Set Concepts to Compute Probabilities The union of events A and B (A  B) are all of the outcomes that make A or B occur. The intersection of events A and B (A  B) are all of the outcomes that make A and B occur at the same time. For the die example, let A: {throw less than or equal to 4} and B: {even number}.

5 Example Computation (cont.) What is P{A}? P{B}? P{A  B}? P{A  B}? It turns out that P{A  B} = P{A} + P{B} - P{A  B}.

6 Conditional Probability Consider all families with two children. What does the outcome space look like? Select such a family. Let A:{the family has at least one male child} and B:{the family has exactly two male children}. What is P{A}? P{B}? P{A  B}?

7 Conditional Probability (cont.) Now suppose that A has occurred. What had to happen? Are these outcomes equally likely? We will write {B|A} to indicate the event B given that A has occurred. What is P{B|A}? It turns out that P{B|A} = P{A  B}/P{A}

8 Special Relationships Two events, A and B, are said to be mutually exclusive if and only if P{A  B}=0. In this case, P{A  B} = P{A} + P{B}. Two events, A and B, are said to be independent if and only if P{A|B} = P{A}. In this case, P{A  B} = P{A}P{B}. An event B is said to be the complement of A if it always happens exactly when A does not happen. In this case P{B} = 1 - P{A}.

9 Contingency Tables A contingency table is a cross classification of data displayed in a tabular form. In a decision making context (such as a marketing study), the decision maker might treat the relative frequencies found in the table as if they were probabilities. Consider the attached example where a department store has analyzed 10,000 sales to better understand the relationship between type of purchase (cash or credit) and merchandise.

10 Contingency Tables A  B: A  B: B  C: B  C: A|B:

11 Contingency Tables P{A  B} P{A  B} P{B  C} P{B  C}

12 Contingency Tables P{A|B}

13 Random Variables A random variable is a model of a population. When we discuss random variables, we are simply talking about populations. To illustrate how a population can be modeled, consider the experiment where we flip a coin three times.

14 Populations and RV’s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 3 3 3 3 0 00 0 0 How large is the population? Count the number of heads that you see.

15 Probability Distributions The probability distribution of X is just a listing (or graph) of the values of X along with the probability that X assumes that value. Xp(x) 0 1/8 1 3/8 2 3/8 3 1/8

16 Probability Distribution - Graph Compute: –P{X  1} –P{X>2} –P{X is odd}

17 Random Variables Remember: –A probability distribution is a list of the values and probabilities that a random variable assumes. –These values can be thought of as the values in a population, and the probabilities as the proportion of the population that a specific value makes up. Random variables can be classified as being discrete or continuous. Continuous random variables assume values along a continuum.

18 Discrete Random Variables Our example of counting the number of heads in three coin flips was an example of a discrete random variable. Why? An example of a continuous random variable is W = the amount of gasoline in your car. We will return to continuous random variables shortly.

19 The Mean of a Random Variable Since a random variable is just describing a population, it has a mean (average) value. What should we call this average?

20 Variance of a Random Variable The variance provided a measure of dispersion of the values in the data, the average squared distance from .

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