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Earth History GEOL 2110 Midterm 1 Preparation/Review.

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1 Earth History GEOL 2110 Midterm 1 Preparation/Review

2 Style of Questions Matching term w/ definition, person w/ notable accomplishment Short definition of concepts/processes Name some of multiple characteristics REVIEW PowerPoints!! Understand Figures in Text.

3 Dramatic vs. Subtle Geological Events Be able to give examples of each

4 Scales of Geologic Time

5 Important People and their Contributions to Geological Concepts Leonardo Da Vinci Nicholas Steno Georges L. Buffon A.G. Werner James Hutton Cuvier & Brongniart William Smith Lamarck Charles Lyell Charles Darwin Gregor Mendel Lord Kelvin Hall and Dana Alfred Wegener

6 Geological Concepts and Principles Concepts Cosmogony Neptunism Plutonism Catastrophism Uniformitarianism Actualism Evolution by Natural Selection Continental Drift and Sea-floor Spreading Principles Superposition Original Horizontality Lateral Continuity Walther’s Law Fossil Correlation Index Fossils

7 Based on facts, but not a statement of certainty or truth Testable – holds up to repeated testing Predictive – forward and backward in time Explains many related natural phenomenon Deemed by a majority of scientists to have a high probability of being correct Know the differences between a hypothesis, theory, and paradigm Characteristics of a Scientific Theory

8 On the Origin of Species Know Darwin’s 5 principle areas of evidence that support his theory of Evolution by Natural Selection

9 Genetic Theory The Mechanism behind Evolution

10 Lithostratigraphic (formation) – principle of superposition Lithodemic (intrusion) – principle of cross-cutting relationships Biostratigraphic (biozone) – principle of fossil correlation Magnetopolarity Pedostratigraphic Allostratigraphic Categories of Stratigraphic Units (Fundamental Units) and Relative Time

11 Types of Unconformities and Regional/Global Time Markers

12 Absolute Age Dating Understand the meaning of: element vs. isotope radioactive vs. stable isotope types of radioactive decay parent vs. daughter isotope decay rate of a radioactive isotope half-life of a radioactive isotope

13 The Solar Nebula Theory

14 Seismic Imaging the Deep Earth

15 Compositional Layers Physical Layers MANTLE SiO 2 – 45% MgO – 37% FeO – 8% Al 2 O 3 – 4% CaO – 3% others – 3% CORE Fe – 86% S – 10% Ni – 4% OCEANIC CONTINENTAL OCEANIC CONTINENTAL CRUST CRUST SiO 2 47% 56% Al 2 O 3 16% 18% FeO 13% 9% MgO 10% 3% CaO 10% 4% Na 2 O 2% 5.5% K 2 O 0.7% 2.5% TiO 2 1.1% 1.3% P 2 O 5 0.2% 0.7% Layers of the Earth = chondritic meteorites ---Mohorovicic Discontinuity

16 Continental Crust Distillation of Ocean Crust by Partial Melting Evidence in Solid Solution Minerals OCEANIC CONTINENTAL OCEANIC CONTINENTAL CRUST CRUST SiO 2 47% 56% Al 2 O 3 16% 18% FeO 13% 9% MgO 10% 3% CaO 10% 4% Na 2 O 2% 5.5% K 2 O 0.7% 2.5% TiO 2 1.1% 1.3% P 2 O 5 0.2% 0.7%

17 Present-day Formation of Crust A Double Distillation Process Melting the Mantle Makes Mafic Magma – ALWAYS Melting Crust Makes Intermediate to Felsic Magma

18 Evidence of Plate Tectonics  Fit of the continents  Fossil record indicating former land bridges  Similar geologic structures  Similar paleoclimates  Apparent polar wandering of continents  Topography of the seafloor  Magnetic polarity “striping” of seafloor  Distribution of volcanoes and mountains  Distribution of earthquakes (Benioff zones)  Young age of the seafloor  Age distribution of volcanic islands

19 Types and Features of Plate Boundaries

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